forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I do Never Eat Sour Watermelon

Emi where the fuck are you? I have your necklace! Get your ass over here!


I'm about to depart on a five hour drive with my two older sisters who don't know my gender identity, sexuality, or about my self-harm scars and I'm not really prepared to spend four days out of town with just them but I'm doing it anyway so wish me luck


alrighty guys I haven't been here since page 24 and that's a long time
but I just need some gay in my life because I am SUFFOCATING in straight
for those who may not know me
I'm kat, I'm biromantic and asexual and I'm the big sis of the site, hello
I'm just not on as much bc… college.


alrighty guys I haven't been here since page 24 and that's a long time
but I just need some gay in my life because I am SUFFOCATING in straight
for those who may not know me
I'm kat, I'm biromantic and asexual and I'm the big sis of the site, hello
I'm just not on as much bc… college.

Even I suffocate in straightness, and I'm straight…


pretty terrible thanks for asking :)
like I said
I just need some gay in my life rn lol

oh i'm sorry..yeah more gay is always good. I hope you feel better


alrighty guys I haven't been here since page 24 and that's a long time
but I just need some gay in my life because I am SUFFOCATING in straight
for those who may not know me
I'm kat, I'm biromantic and asexual and I'm the big sis of the site, hello
I'm just not on as much bc… college.

Even I suffocate in straightness, and I'm straight…

a mood
what a big freaking mood
I thought I was straight for sixteen and a half years but now I know I'm not and it's just like
sometimes I forget that I'm not straight
I saw this one thing, it was a study or something, for heteros
and I was like oh I could take that and make like 20 bucks
oh wait
I'm not straight


I have some gay rom-com sci-fi fantasy fluff that I wrote I can dig it up. If you want me to, tell me if you ship these guys, if I get enough support I'll make it happen in my novel.


pretty terrible thanks for asking :)
like I said
I just need some gay in my life rn lol

oh i'm sorry..yeah more gay is always good. I hope you feel better

yeah just
wow lots of negativity surrounding my sexuality lately
Had to deal with a boy yesterday (I'm pretty closeted so he doesn't know lol) who thought that bi was an exclusionary term, and shouldn't be in the LGBTQ+ acronym bc it implies "there are only two genders" and who tried to convince me that asexuality wasn't real

And I know it's not the fact that it's him not thinking these things are valid
It's that an actual human being irl said that to my face and I know that there are more like him


I have some gay rom-com sci-fi fantasy fluff that I wrote I can dig it up. If you want me to, tell me if you ship these guys, if I get enough support I'll make it happen in my novel.

put it in anyways
support or not
never can get enough gay
and if you get published (and you're a decent writer) the entire community will just gobble it up we're starved for representation
at least I am
thank you, Straight Town USA TM


Sorry, could you hold on at the moment, I'm actually in the middle of helping someone, I don't mean to blow you off or anything. Even if I'll be back you know this is way more important than my novel.


Here's the first one… This is a copy-pasted first draft… So… It's rough…


The jeep bumped slightly as Watan parked it. He gazed at Siegfried, leaving the keys in the ignition, before opening the driver's-side door and getting out. The jeep stayed at a low purr, as Watan slid over the hood. Near the end, he almost fell off, before catching himself in an awkward position.
A naturally worrisome Siegfried snickered, in his singsong way. Watan approached him, taking off his Easterner jacket, it's long, wide sleeves flapped lightly in the wind, the outside was damp, but inside of it, was comfy enough. Watan presented it to Seigfried, the fabric whipping around his chin. He wrapped it over the other boy.
"Thanks." Siegfried huffed, his face splitting into a faultless, childish smile.
"You're welcome, Sieg'." Watan responded, as his spiky blond hair ruffled in the wind like a rainforest canopy. "I'm sorry your motorcycle broke down."
"It's OK… Aren't you cold?" He asked, becoming more worried, his pink, frigid cheeks becoming warm.
"I have the warmth of our friendship to keep me comfortable." He professed.
Siegfried slugged Watan in the shoulder; an unusual thing for a meek boy like himself to do.
"You corny fuck…" He said, trying not to laugh.
Watan stomped over, through the light, thin, icey slush. He pounced, putting Siegfried in a headlock, flicking his forehead a few times.
"That's no way to talk to a guy who just gave you his coat, especially in weather like this!" Watan released him, and tried to catch snowflakes on his tongue.
Siegfried's blond hair bounced as he laughed.
"I know, I'm sorry…" He apologized gingerly.
Watan marched back to the other side of the jeep, getting back in.
"My ass is wet from the hood of the jeep…" He revealed, chuckling.
The two boys laughed together as they drove through the slush of Sorowina…