forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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Hey… I'm abrosexual and am non-binary, AMAB. I use all pronouns, so yeah…

I think I've seen abrosexual before, but I don't really know what it means… could you explain?


Abrosexual: one whose sexuality is not rigid, but fluid. Think genderfluid, but for sexuality
(and no, It's not just pansexual)

Ah, I think I get it? Little confusing, but that's alright

Deleted user

Hey… I'm abrosexual and am non-binary, AMAB. I use all pronouns, so yeah…

I think I've seen abrosexual before, but I don't really know what it means… could you explain?


Abrosexual: one whose sexuality is not rigid, but fluid. Think genderfluid, but for sexuality
(and no, It's not just pansexual)

Ah, I think I get it? Little confusing, but that's alright

I'm bad at explaining things…

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Welcome. I'm bisexual, bad at introductions, and my pronouns are she/her.


Dw about being bad at explaining my guy lmao I'm awful at understanding

On the subject of pronouns, I use she/her but if someone uses other pronouns I don't really mind. And if I say "bro" or "my guy" please don't think I'm trying to undermine your pronouns, I just call literally everyone that. If you're uncomfy with that let me know and I'll try and keep it in mind(I have the memory of a goldfish on drugs but I'll try!!).

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(-very quietly- Jojo's better. Jk jk, i haven't seen One Piece, so I can't say one way or the other)


Ah yes, the bimonthly recap
I'm Owen, I'm nonbinary (neutrois to be specific. Not a boy, not a girl, not a mix, just the perfect neutral of masculine and feminine. Completely purple, not blotches of pink and blue or anything. That's how I like to explain it) and I use they/them pronouns. I'm demisexual and demiromantic, and loooove learning queer history and language.

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Oh jeez I really hope that's not the case(the stealing the god system thing) since I'm in that RP and actually got pretty attached to my characters… but the grandpa thing is kind of confusing, how would Crypt have even known about that to copy? Not to be rude or anything, I just got the impression that they didn't know anything about you

I think the grandpa thing is probably a coincidence, since I know at least two others who had someone pass over the weekend, but it's a bit infuriating.
And oh, they definitely stole my god system. Jasper, the overseer of death was in the first campaign I ever wrote called the Museum Of Magical Artifacts, he was one of the PC's longtime partner and didn't know what soup was because that was a running joke between me and the player because the PC got sick one day and Jasper, being the horrible at pretending to be human he was, panicked becuase he didnt' know what soup was.

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Reed, Reed, there's someone you should meet
Several people including me have said they remind us a lot of you
They're a really cool person <3

Huh, we've already met. They stole my god system :)

Huh? Spill–

Well, I came back after however long I was away to try and find some old rps I was in so I could remember who I was friends with/rekindle some old rps, and I came across this Tournament Of The Gods and I went "Huh, that sounds oddly familiar to something I was talking about like,,, a while ago." And I read through it, and they stole literally all of my gods.
So, I am so close to just,,, screaming.
It's like they tried to take on my whole ass personality because guess what, my grandpa just died, literally sunday. So the fact that someone had the fucking gall to even copy that, I swear.

woah hey chillax
i dont want to get in the middle of something but maybe instead of just quickly jumping to conclusions, just– maybe talk it out real quick?

I tried, they denied everything

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Well, they deleted their account, so I'm not going to take it any further, don't think I even can, but sorry for overreacting and stuff, it just felt really shitty when I come back and the first thing I see is someone stealing my proudest achivement.

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I'm Leo. Bi. He/she, most use he/him and I'm not mad about it

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Continues to be a built in mob of fans

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I'm Reed, Reed Paul, or R.P!
I use they/them and most neopronouns such as xe/xir and fae/faer are fine to call me by!
I'm queer in gender, sexuality, and personality!

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No, but you can call me Frog Father as I have f r o g s in my garden
banana bell pepper and pebbles

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I don't have my phone lol
just my laptop and my music player