forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@larcenistarsonist group

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa today has not been fun

I woke up at 6:15, which is the time I have to leave to get to Driver's ED on time because my alarm clock didn't go offffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

Usually that's fine because my mom usually gets me out of bed if my alarm fails to do so, but she thought that I was already up but IT WAS MY SISTER who got up at 5:30 to let the cat out and I haven't had breakfast and in Driver's ED we spent the whole period (which is 6:30-7:30) OUTSIDE and I am still freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing and I'm so hungry and I have FOUR tests today and tomorrow and I have the WORST test anxiety for NO reason because I've ALWAYS been a good tester and I just wanna go home and watch Hell's Kitchen.

@Kanaroli group

god i feel you there, my english teacher is calling everyone up to see how our argumentative powerpoints are going, but i haven't even started mine and it's due tonight, but i just wanna go home and watch Bones ;-;

@larcenistarsonist group

and yes that is not a joke I have ACCIDENTALLY started two fires in two different science classes in the past two years. One time it was with a bunsen burner and a badly placed lab assessment and the other time it was with a soldering iron and I don't even know what happened

@larcenistarsonist group

I just want a good, fast rap song with meaningful lyrics that hit me in the feels but with some good drop bass and drums that's aggressive but not messy and is that too much to ask for??