~Theres no dreams in the waves, only monsters and the monsters are my only friends~
~They're all that i was, and never could be~
~Eyes in the dead still water, tried but it pushed back harder, cauterized and atrophied, this is my unbecoming~
~Knives in the backs of martyrs, lives in the burning fodder. Cauterized and atrophied, this is my unbecoming.~
That awkward moment when you think Starset is your favorite rock band and can’t join the song train because you don’t know the lyrics. Or any lyrics and can only sing along. And didn’t get the reference. And didn’t know what song it was until the third line.
They can still be your favorite. You don't have to know the lyrics.
That awkward moment when you dated someone in your friend group a year ago then broke up with them then moved on to another friend of your group, broke up with them, got back together a week later, and then got dumped a month later, then went back to your original ex because it turns out you still had feelings for them the whole time….oof.
(Is it bad that I’ve seen that in action? I never did it, but it’s dumb non the less.
That awkward moment when you assume you also get a boon but instead you get arrested for saving the highprince's son's fricken royal behinds, and while you're at it you practically saved Sadeas from being killed by Adolin. Crap… you really messed up this time Kaladin. (Fricken Elhokar and fricken Sadeas and fricken Amaramm and fricken Dalinar…)
That awkward moment when you think your crush likes you but then they physically say they hate your guts.
That awkward moment when you start crying in the middle of class for having a mental breakdown.
That awkward moment when your science expirament comes to life and kills your brother, boyfriend, and wife.
That awkward moment when your professor has a face on the back of his head.
That awkward moment when your science experiment comes to life and kills your brother, boyfriend, and wife.
Boyfriend and wife…? This seems sketchy. This guy cheatin or sumin?
That awkward moment you fall down the stairs and knock someone over on the way down.
That awkward moment when you slut-shame your fiance and she dies.
That awkward moment when your friend that you trust tries to kill the king and you can't decide to report him or force him to stop but get involved with the assassination attempts.
That awkward moment when you go to a club meeting and all your fellow club members kinda ignore you
That awkward moment when you mistake your girlfriend's father for your uncle-father and stab him through a curtain.
That awkward moment when your hands and tongue are chopped off so you bake the people that did it to you into a pie
That awkward moment when your fiance poisons himself because he thought you were dead.
That awkward moment when someone offers you girl gruel in exchange for boy porridge
That awkward moment when you need to ask the king to surrender and he screams at you to sell his bones
My goodness Jyn, keep this up.
That awkward moment when you only speak English and your crush only speaks French but you need to be engaged before her father reenters the room.