forum That Awkward Moment When...
Started by @Imperfect_Autumn group

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That awkward moment when you run into a mannequin and say excuse me before realizing it's not a real person…..(personal experience)


That awkward moment when you run into a mannequin and say excuse me before realizing it's not a real person…..(personal experience)



That awkward moment when you run into a mannequin and say excuse me before realizing it's not a real person…..(personal experience)




That awkward moment when you get stuck in a tree for an hour

That sounds like an interesting story.

It is. I couldn't get down until a few kids from the closest neighborhood noticed me. I'd been yelling to them for an hour but none of them paid any attention, so I just listened to them playing freeze tag until one of them said, "Hey, what's that thing in that tree over there?"


That awkward moment when you get stuck in a tree for an hour

That sounds like an interesting story.

It is. I couldn't get down until a few kids from the closest neighborhood noticed me. I'd been yelling to them for an hour but none of them paid any attention, so I just listened to them playing freeze tag until one of them said, "Hey, what's that thing in that tree over there?"

It's rather appropriate for someone named Bat.


That awkward moment when you get stuck in a tree for an hour

That sounds like an interesting story.

It is. I couldn't get down until a few kids from the closest neighborhood noticed me. I'd been yelling to them for an hour but none of them paid any attention, so I just listened to them playing freeze tag until one of them said, "Hey, what's that thing in that tree over there?"

It's rather appropriate for someone named Bat.

Wow lol that's pretty funny hehe


that awkward moment you have your hand up for no particular reason and the teacher thinks you have a question so you need to quickly come up with a question to ask so you don't embarrass yourself


Ah yes, that happens all the time.
That awkward moment when you say hi to someone but they aren't who you thought they were.


Omg yes! I have this one friend who just moved to our school this year and he happens to share the same birthday with me so we have this weird brother/sister like bond and he and I always give each other this weird wave every time we see each other so this one time i was inside and i saw him walking outside into the school so i started doing my wave from around the corner so he'd see me when he walked in but, a sophomore walked in b4 him and gave me a confused look and just nodded his head at me lol.

Deleted user

That really awkward moment when you don't know how to open the bathroom door on the airplane without accidently pressing the alarm……………..


That awkward moment when you're in class and it's quiet, then you remember something funny and try to choke down your laughter or cover it up with a cough.


That awkward moment when you're in class and it's quiet, then you remember something funny and try to choke down your laughter or cover it up with a cough.

That's me all the time.

Deleted user

That awkward moment when you try to drink water but you choke and spit water all over yourself.


yup all the time
Today in school actually, i was getting a drink of water and my friend shoved me out of the way so she could get a drink and i choked and spit the water all over the floor as my other friend walks up to us and gives me the most confused look ever lol


Omg! I have a friend who does that a lot and her sneezes are really quick and high pitched and her hair goes flying everywhere with each one lol it's hilarious!


I’m that friend that ALWAYS sneezes in class. Especially in classrooms with many computers bc I’m allergic to dust and it bothers me. In one of my technology classes whenever someone sneezed people wouldn’t even look up to see who it was, they would just say “bless you” specifically to me.