forum That Awkward Moment When...
Started by @Imperfect_Autumn group

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When you’re the only person online. Commenting on a thread about someone being the only person online. But they aren’t online anymore.


That Awkward Moment When…
You have to walk in the middle of class to grab the pen you dropped, but it somehow went through a portal and traveled to the other end of the room.


i once spent 15 min trying to figure ut why my fan wasn't working then finally realized i had the plug in my hand lol


That awkward moment when… you get stung by a wasp at work and you end up getting fawned over by your supervisor AND manager even tho you weren't gonna treat it and you really want to close the store asap.

(side note: they made me call the incident hotline, but since nobody picked up I left a message, and literally just said, "Hey this is Emma _____ here to report an incident. I got stung by a wasp at work, and that's about it! Bye." I felt like an idiot. XD They're probably gonna call me back tomorrow like "what the hell was that.")