forum Text Post Generator
Started by @hollow-boned

people_alt 57 followers

@Pickles group

"I hate Freezer bags"
"A queen who wants to play for the Yankees befriends an anesthesiologist with a drinking problem"
"A weather man who is part fish accidentally kills a park ranger from North Carolina" I am highly concerned on many levels

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

"i think hipsters are those people who go to whole foods and be emos"

"This friendly old tree has stood here for as long as Neopia Central has been around- maybe even longer. Neopians come here to thrash on the floor and yell about a sweater made of meat"


"why would you attack aliens?"
"do you think i go on a date with the feelings of others"
"i don't care for people who avoid knives"
"when i wake up i immediately accuse me of betraying friends"
"i will block and unfollow you if you worship america"
"the gays don't accept my support but i literally bough a rainbow backpack. i also hate capitalism"




"i love my cat even though she smells like pee and i know she doesn't have it"


I just…Why am I laughing. I cannot stop laughing. This is amazing.

jumps over table
gets very close to your face
"i will hand down righteous judgment and smite all who savor the rapturous caress of game of thrones"


"i think hipsters are those people who go to whole foods and check out bruno mars"

"my new album is called: experience the swamp"
Did You Mean Hozier's New Album "Wasteland, Baby!" ?


ok i was gonna stop but this one Hit Me

"has anyone ever even tried to think about the feelings of others"

me, through tears: look how much he's grown


“it's finally time. i have completed my collection of 18000 small plastic shrimp and now i can think deeply about the sun“
Idk why but i resonate with this.


“isnt being vegan when you dont eat meat and you set fire to happiness.” I feel like someone somewhere has said this.

But that’s not wrong tho

@Darkblossom group

“isnt being vegan when you dont eat meat and you set fire to happiness.” I feel like someone somewhere has said this.

But that’s not wrong tho

Maybe, but I can’t get past the mental image of someone for some reason shooting fire out of a spray paint can and onto a smol, sparkly rainbow.


“isnt being vegan when you dont eat meat and you set fire to happiness.” I feel like someone somewhere has said this.

But that’s not wrong tho

in addition to this
"why would you try to ban meat"

Deleted user

(Just gonna post a lot of these XD)
"GGGG GG OTtA GO TO THE SL UG RACe gOt TO GO FAST AT TH e s lug race… pray to blood worms"
"isnt being vegan when you dont eat meat and you hate genders"
"im hiding in plants now because i fear the world and dont want to harm the environment" (Mood)
"(sighing sadly) i guess i will hate my vast cache of ketchup packets"
"(leading you on a tour of the house) and here is the room where i look like my fursona"
"you cant kinkshame 20 eagles"
"sometimes i just want to meet nature"
"This is someone dying while having an MRI scan. Before you die your brain releases tons and tons of endorphins that make you think about hell"
"You may say I'm a dreamer… But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll fear a really tiny seashell"
"transtrender voice: fear my vast cache of ketchup packets"
(I could keep going all day.)

@Mojack group

do NOT improve communism
i guess its irresponsible that i use all of my money to love life
do you think i interact with dragons
(wearing a black and red corset with a black leather skirt and black fishnet stockings with combat boots) i emulate concentrated fruit juices
god i love the sweet taste of POISON. i love to POISON myself and kinkshame nge
when people hit on me i try to shake them off by talking about how i declare war against popular sitcom 'friends'
what im trying to say is that i dont trust anyone who doesnt trust garbage?
it is dangerous to write an article about meat
has anyone ever even tried to fight and win against a really boring red fox fursona
science is unnecessary. you cant use science to run away from FULL COMMUNISM?
(chewing on a branch) i escape liberalism
This is someone dying while having an MRI scan. Before you die your brain releases tons and tons of endorphins that make you be as beautiful as bitcoins
i had a nightmare about this guy who wanted to accuse me of enjoying pearl
to-do list: - make bed. - do homework. - wash dishes. - call mom. - live in a cave with late capitalism