forum Talk about your research
Started by @Pickles group

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@Pickles group

What you've researched, how long you've researched a topic for, facts that either aren't fun or are too "much" or "involved" (I guess) for the fun facts thread. I do a lot of random research and I always wanna talk about it but don't know where, so…
Is this dum? Probably. Is anyone actually going to comment? Probably not. Cool? Cool. I'm really bored and I can't sleep
once I spent a whole month researching whether or not your baby is brainwashing you. The results were fishy at best


I've been trying to research Antartica for a solid week. Most specifically the climate, wildlife, and how to survive there. Also, how it would be effected by years of horrible climate change. It's going quite strangely. I'm not sure anything I'm doing is right.

@Pickles group

Antarctica's low-key really cool and I wanna go there. Are you doing research for fun or for a projec (and if so, what class? I love hearing about people's classes. It's totally because I hate my own classes) or out of boredom?


Antarctica's low-key really cool and I wanna go there. Are you doing research for fun or for a projec (and if so, what class? I love hearing about people's classes. It's totally because I hate my own classes) or out of boredom?

For something I'm writing for a friend. We accidentally came up with this huge ambitious storyline, part of which is set in Antarctica, and I'm writing a little segment from that section for them

@Pickles group

I researched a lot about gay rights for an essay a while ago. It was very enlightening.

Oh, that's fun! How'd you do on it?

@Pickles group

Antarctica's low-key really cool and I wanna go there. Are you doing research for fun or for a projec (and if so, what class? I love hearing about people's classes. It's totally because I hate my own classes) or out of boredom?

For something I'm writing for a friend. We accidentally came up with this huge ambitious storyline, part of which is set in Antarctica, and I'm writing a little segment from that section for them

Aw, that's so nice of you! My little research heart is very happy


I researched a lot about gay rights for an essay a while ago. It was very enlightening.

Oh, that's fun! How'd you do on it?

My teacher hasn't graded it yet, but I thought it went well!


i'm in the midst of planning an au based on the book The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden but for it to work i have to change the initial setting from South Africa to China and let me tell you researching Chinese slums/poor villages in the 1960s is not easy

@Pickles group

Nope I looked it up and everyone agrees it's a thing females are called cows males are called bulls and babies are called calves. I'm gonna need a few moments

@Starfast group

My main story takes place in a setting that is based on Victorian England, so most of my research has been related to that. I've done a pretty fair amount of research on things like Victorian era clothing, chimney sweeps, steam engine trains.
But every now and then I end up researching something a little more unexpected. The history of wrapping paper, for instance (it was invented in 1917, if anyone wanted to know).


This was for work, but i spent a few weeks researching the impact of German literature on the English in the 19th century with a focus on one translator in particular
Let me tell you this woman's life and family are wild on so many levels
1) Her husband was a very intelligent legal expert but because he was neurotic and perfectionist with a tendency to manic depressive periods it was often up to her to earn their living with her translations
2) for a short time she had this letter exchange with a german prince whose work she was reading and it was like……. scandalous. At some point the dude asked her to send over a pubic hair. She didn't.
3) Her daughter moved to Egypt at some point and then died there
4) Her granddaughter moved to Florence in Italy and legitimately got into farming and estate work to the point where she'd be right in there working with the peasants
5) the next girl down the line also worked as a journalist in Italy and she was causally good friends with Mussolini eve though she was critical of his regime. This woman's husband was also kind of a flake so I'm sensing a pattern here

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I did a lot of research on the island of Chichi Jima during the time period of WWII. This is some messed up stuff. I got to state level of National History Day with it, though.

@Pickles group

That reminds me, my friend did her JROTC sophomore project on William Wilberforce so she showed up the whole day dressed like him. It was great

@Pickles group

Uhhh not really sure. I didn't get to see the presentation and shh I wasn't really listening when she talked about him