forum Talk about your research
Started by @Pickles group

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I've spent a lot of time looking up various types of smithing, mostly blacksmithing, bladesmithing, and a bit of gunsmithing. My main creator makes weapons and such for a living, and so I looked into the various techniques and equipment used to make weapons and armor. I learned some interesting facts like:
–Most smiths create their own tools.
–Propane forges can create a thin layer of rust on your piece called scale due to the water created when burning propane.
–Charcoal forges don't have this issue, which is why traditionally-forged weapons are so strong.
–Grinding and sharpening titanium is a terrible idea due to the fact that it wears down sanding belts VERY quickly, and it also creates extremely bright white sparks that require a welding mask to protect your eyes and face.
–Wet forging is a technique where you hammer hot metal on an anvil with water on it to blast the scale off.
–Tennessee wet forging is the same thing, but you use whiskey instead!

@ElderGod-kirky group

I've done a bit of research on foster care for a couple of different reasons. I, myself, am lucky enough to be in a happy home with my biological family, but some other children aren't, and I feel bad for those children. My initial interest in the topic was because one of my characters was in the foster care system for nearly her entire life, and I wanted to capture the not-so-unicorns-and-rainbows aspect of the system. Turns out, not too difficult. I then went into further detail for an art project, where we had to illustrate a social issue that we were interested in. Naturally, I picked foster care as I saw it as a not-so-great solution to kids with messed up families, while most other people saw it as this great thing for those kids. I then had to write a letter about an issue for English, so I went into even further research on the bad side of foster care. And recent events in my family has brought it a little too close to home for me, as my cousin's siblings are all scattered throughout the system because her father and their mother are both in prison for a bunch of shit I don't want to get into. Thankfully, my cousin still has her mother and lives with her. But still–a little too close for comfort.

Don't get me wrong, foster care can be great–in certain situations. But there are a lot of things that I see as major problems.

@Pickles group

Ooh, yeah. I did a project about it for English last year. Can't say it went great…. But it was fun doing research. Cause research is always usually fun

@ElderGod-kirky group

I hate research when I don't care about the subject and I'm being forced to do said research. But when it's on my own terms, it's really interesting. I also like learning about different mythologies and ancient cultures.

Ironic, considering I hate History but love learning about Ancient Egypt, Persia, Greece, Rome, and the like.

Did you know there were technically two Peloponnesian wars? Between Sparta and Athens?

@Pickles group

I didn't, but to be fair, I don't know a lot of stuff. Except a bit of useless, random stuff. Like there's a type of squirrel that's three feet long

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

And Sparta was like bet when Alexander the Great tried to conquer them. They literally sent a one word letter back that said IF. And Alexander the Great was like, Yeah, let's leave Sparta alone. They aren't gonna bother us…. nervous laughter

@ElderGod-kirky group

I'm pretty sure Athens was the one to start both wars by allying with Argos twice. Like, they didn't learn the first time? You guys are supposed to be smart!

sorry if it's not quite accurate, it's been a while since I learned that

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I'm pretty sure Athens was the one to start both wars by allying with Argos twice. Like, they didn't learn the first time? You guys are supposed to be smart!

sorry if it's not quite accurate, it's been a while since I learned that

I know right?

@ElderGod-kirky group

How can a people known for their knowledge do something so stupid as to piss off Sparta by doing the one thing that got them in trouble the first time?