forum Stuff you wanted to say but never had the chance to
Started by @lemondad

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"Please, just leave me alone…"
"I wish you would go away."
"I know you aren't real, leave me alone."

@Moxie group

"I hate that I feel like I'm always here for you but I feel like I can't trust you. So either shut the fuck up and go away or just listen to me."
"This is just the way I am. You may as well accept it and stop brushing it off because it's true. I'm sorry it's not what you envisioned for me or whatever but if she can accept it, so can you."
"I'm not faking it."
"I know this is probably too much to ask from you but I wish you would be more compassionate."
"I know you hate me or at least don't like me so stop avoiding me and just be honest with yourself."
"Please shut up."
"I'm fucking 16. Just because I'm crying when we yell at each other doesn't mean you shouldn't take me seriously."
"You're the adult here for god's sake so grow up and act like it, please."
"I wish I could trust you enough. I wish you wouldn't hate me if I told you my secret."

Deleted user

"Hello, I'm Constance, what's your name?"

"I hate how I'm so messed up. My problems shouldn't matter but I still persist."

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

"It's not that I don't want to talk to you! I do! I want it so much. But even if you think I can, I can't. I can't trust you with what I want to say, with the person I want to be. You've broken trust too many times for that."


"I'm not fake. I'm not lying. I really do mean it when I say you're important, I really do believe things can get better."
"You're a good friend"
"Even I'm capable of acting like an adult when I need to, you are much older than me, you can go five minutes without making dirty jokes about sticks for crying out loud"

Deleted user

"You don't know what it's like to actually be depressed. You all can stop pretending now."

Deleted user

"My ethnicity does not define who I am. My past and present have forged my soul into a blade, I may bend, but I will not break. I will not hesitate to use what I have gained."


“So it’s okay when you yell at me—oh, sorry, I mean raise your voice— over the smallest things, it’s perfectly fine, because you’re an adult and my dad and obviously more deserving of repsect than I am, but when I yell at you for doing something that’s not okay (for example, yelling at Emmett—who, by the way, has the mental capacity of a two-year-old—until he cries because he didn’t look at you when you were talking to him), you give me a bunch of bullshit about how I should respect the adults in my life more? Is that it? Well, guess what? I’m not going to take any of that crap anymore. Because it’s about fucking time that I got the respect I deserve. My age doesn’t dictate my status. Just because I’m thirty-odd years younger than you doesn’t mean I’m any less of a person! That’s it. I’m done with your bullshit.”

@Moxie group

"He's not my responsibility. Don't look at me like that for something he did wrong that I have no control over. Don't just come up to me, ask me a question, look disapprovingly at me, then leave. It freaks me out because it makes me think you're mad at me for something that isn't even my fault. Please just talk to me."


"No, I'm not going to draw you. I don't want to do an art trade. I'm not available for requests. I have too much on my plate already, and I want some time to draw for myself."

@HighPockets group

"I'm asexual. It's real. It's not a joke, and if you have an issue with it, it's really not my problem that you can't accept anyone who isn't like you."

@HighPockets group

" My depression isn't some damn joke, but people like you are why no one gives a shit about mental health in teens because of your constant joking around."

"I can't sit through Mass today, all of the people there make me anxious."

"I'm not faking it. Do you think I fucking enjoy this? Do you think I like failing my classes and neglecting my friends? Do you think I like being trapped inside all day?"

"Yeah, I'm being irrational. Anxiety is literally being irrationally afraid of bad things happening, but what does that matter?"

"Hello, doctor? Yeah, this is her. You can miss me with your bullshit. I planned for this sleep study and I stressed about it all week, so you better have another tech working there, because normal places employ more than 3 people!"

"No, this isn't making me feel better. In fact, not eating this food is making me feel worse. You fucked up my stomach for the sake of some bullshit diet and now I feel super sick whenever I eat things I used to be able to eat fine. Not to mention how badly you messed up my self image."


“Don’t call me ‘honey’ or ‘sweetie’, save that moment for that one special person”

“There’s a lot stuff you don’t know, don’t trust the media or the “news”, it’s all fake.”

“We need a good Pope.”

“I wish a friend could stay for a lifetime and not leave when I need them most.”

“I really do like you, like a lot”

“Can’t I just leave and live in the woods? Far away from here.”

“If I could I would lock in a room forever.”

“Don’t use Love is Love again, it’s over used and has lost its value.”

“‘Jesus says to love one another’, you should learn the definition of love, and the other: Luv.”

@HighPockets group

"God and Jesus love me for me, and if neither of Them did, They wouldn't have made me the way I am."

"I am stronger because of my flaws, but that doesn't mean that I love myself."


"Just because I haven't lost every individual family member I've ever had, been stabbed repeatedly in the leg, or nearly died of hunger doesn't mean I've never been hurt"


"I wish people could be more accepting of who they are… Just because they feel odd in their own skin or people don't like them, that give them no reason to change who they are, name, personality, gender, or appearance, there's a reason they were born one way. Don't throw that reason away because you hate yourself or people rather your the other way."

"God loves us internally, he loves us each in different special ways, its only up to use to love him back and to make our life amazing. God has never made a mistake, and you and everyone in the world are certainly not a mistake. We all were made for a mission in life, to play a role in Gods master plan, so don't let your guard down and don't stop trusting God love. We all our sinners, but he is still willing to forgive us, but even with all that love he gives we should not test it but committing horrible sins, including the 6th commandment, and the true meaning behind that commandment. Why do some many people think God made them for no reason and they were a mistake? No one is a mistake in the eyes of God."