forum Stuff you wanted to say but never had the chance to
Started by @lemondad

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Deleted user

"Stop telling people to kill themselves. I've seen someone do it and I've tried. Trust me…I've been scared for life because of it. I don't need others doing it too. If you want to escape them just leave them the f*ck alone."

@Starfast group

"If you're going to hang out with me then actually act like you want spend time with me instead of texting your shady ass boyfriend the whole time, especially since you were the one who initiated plans with me to begin with. I'm sick of feeling like your back up plan all the time. Either spend time with me or fucking don't. But don't say you want to hang out if you're just going to text him the whole time."

@HighPockets group

"Can you stop making jokes about mental issues? For all you know, someone with depression, or anxiety, or autism could be listening to you. In fact, I know one is."

Deleted user

"Please respect my wishes and stop bothering me. You saw me have a nerve attack and you told me not even a minute later that it was stupid and that I was faking it for attention."

@Moxie group

"You had no right to do that. Just because your problems and dealing with you aren't healthy, and I cut you out of my life, does not give you the right to say that about me, especially when you made it up. This is why I never felt like I could trust you. You always put your needs over mine. And yeah I get that your life has been really shitty but that doesn't give you the right to make everything about you. And I know you lied about those parties. I know where you found those photos. Everyone else knows too. They reverse searched it on google and guess what they found. Stop lying, stop seeking attention. Stop telling me to do my work when you're the one distracting me from my work you fucking hypocrite. Leave me alone, don't talk to me, don't talk about me. That's all that I really want. For you to leave me alone."

Deleted user

"It's my body. I feel I should be able to do what I want with it without you judging me for it. Now kindly get off my case, or don't talk to me. Thanks!"

@Moxie group

“I swear to god shut the fuck up or I will punch you in your tiny little rat face. Stoppppp drawing attention to yourself and me by extension no one caresssss.”

Deleted user

"No, I am not satanic. I simply have my doubts, so kindly fuck off?"

Deleted user

"(Name here) I'm sorry I laughed…I wanted to say I like you too…"