forum Stuff you wanted to say but never had the chance to
Started by @lemondad

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Okay, get ready for the angst train:

"I don't need you, all you do is hurt me and I don't need you!"

"Please go away, I don't want to be near someone that puts me in a worse state of mind then I am in now."

"No! Please don't go, Papa! I need you!"

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Well, I am still wishing to tell the first person, but I have to wait a few months till he's out of my life.
The seccond one is for a person who I will not name nor explain
And the last one if for my Papa (My grandfather) He died about three years ago and I'm not over it.


The only person I’ve ever lost that I fully remember is my great grandmother, and I told her how much she mattered to me a few days before she passed, so I don’t really have much regrets when it comes to words I never said. Regrets with words I did say is an entirely different story…


The only person I’ve ever lost that I fully remember is my great grandmother, and I told her how much she mattered to me a few days before she passed, so I don’t really have much regrets when it comes to words I never said. Regrets with words I did say is an entirely different story…

I have some of those too, they definitely suck.

@HighPockets group

"I haven't seen you in 5 years, and you show up randomly offering me food and books and expect me to take you up on it?"
"Listen, I don't consider you my family because family is there for you. Therefore, I have one uncle and three aunts, and not three uncles and four aunts."

@Story_Siren group

"I've let go of the hurt, but I still want to unload on you. I don't know if you were jealous of me, or just didn't like me, but honestly thank you. You made my grade schools years suck, and freshman year was hell, but now I'm so much stronger. So I won't punch you. Because that's what you want, and I don't obey you anymore."
"Honestly, I feel bad for you. You just can't confront conflict. I have an issue with conflict, but I don't cower away from it. I hope you're happier, really."
"Why why why why why can't y'all think outside your mind view?! Look at the other person's side! Don't just be stagnant with your thinking, be flexible! It's dangerous not to do so!"
"Honestly, it was you. But I can't say that, because it will hurt you, and you won't change your ways until your life-changing experience comes along. So good luck."

Deleted user

"I think all of you are incredibly unintelligent and annoying. I actually think I hate you all."
"Mental disorders are not a fad. Suddenly everyone has one now? Bitch please, we all know you're lying for attention."
"You are 100% a fake person and incredibly creepy. I hope all the people you've lied to figure out what you really are."
"You are selfish, naiive, and annoying as hell. Please shut up, I want to rip off your face."
"Your false positivity is sickening."
"You all complain and complain and complain, but know nothing about life. Always trying to one up each other with how horrible your life is. Stop being idiots. You don't know what stress is, what anxiety is, what real life is like. Stop whining."

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"Okay it's not cool, it's literally a fad that will get you in the grave."
"Crying? Get a fucking kleenex, no one cares."
"Wow, another one-month relationship, let's go."
"I'm not really into that. Or this. Or you."
"I love all of these penis jokes. Like how the Mexicans love the thought of not paying for the Mexican-US wall."

Deleted user

"You won't listen to me. I tried to tell you, I tried to open your mind to the idea of internet friends. I never wanted to lie to you. I wanted to tell you, I wanted you to know how happy he makes me but you wouldn't listen! I hate lying to you, I hate hiding this. Why can't you just listen to me?"

"I've had suicidal thoughts since I was nine, since you had your seizure. When you got sick, so did I. That day when you said you wished you had died from it… I heard. I heard every word. How you hated that your children were such brats and you wished you died to get away from us. Why do you think I shut you out?"


"You are being incredibly rude and disrespectful. I told you so many times to stop, and yet you won't listen. Someday, this attitude is going to get you in trouble. It's going to get me in trouble. Take your hateful words and messed up jokes back to your own house, and no, you can not have my brother's nerf gun."

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"Wearing black and staying alone doesn't make me "sad". Leave me alone, I am armed."

@Story_Siren group

"I'm sorry for what happened to you. I really wish I could talk to you about your past and be able to know you better, but I can tell you don't want to do that. That's okay. I just wish that we could be friends."
"Your name is great, like ridiculously horribly great. I feel so sorry for you."

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"I'm really not a nice person. I think about killing you several times a day."

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"All of these scars are from you."

"I miss the way you used to sing in the morning. Your stupid little songs were the best."

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"Please call me Constance."

"All because you think you're someone great does not give you the right to grab my hand! It doesn't belong to you."

"Don't touch me, it hurts."

"Stop hitting me."