forum Story Game
Started by @Crisis

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Ah, okay! See, I play field hockey, and I can relate to that feeling, scoring at the last second. :D


Five seconds to 0. The bomb was in my hands.
Four seconds to zero. I looked around at my friends.
Three seconds to zero. None of them deserved to die.
Two seconds to zero. None of them but I.
One second to zero. Tears began to flow.
The timer hit zero. My last words, "NOOOOO!"

Wow, that was better than I thought it would be…


I cast a meaningful glance at my friends.
They all acknowledge me with a nod.
We grip our weapons, ready to descend into the heat of battle.
We all let out our war cries.
The chaos begins with a potato.


I cast a meaningful glance at my friends.
They all acknowledge me with a nod.
We grip our weapons, ready to descend into the heat of battle.
We all let out our war cries.
The chaos begins with a potato.

Wow. Beautiful and touching.



The next step. What's our next step? Probably actually stepping forward, but we were frozen. Dallas was on the ground, trying to sit up, blood dripping from his nose. Kay stood over him, rubbing his bruised knuckles. Lift gabbed his switch blade out of his back pocket, but Charlie held his wrist, whispering something to him, probably threats. Lift would never let anything happen to Dallas, but Charlie wasn't too hot on jumping to Dallas's rescue after what he'd done. Dallas looked pleadingly to Lift, but Charlie was the one who stepped forward. That was a surprise. "Kay, get your nasty ass outta here." He growled. Kay tried to bite back a response, but Charlie smashed his beer bottle against his knee and held it out threateningly. Kay was gone in a flash. Charlie turned back to me and dropped his bottle, wincing. "Glory Charlie, why on your knee? That'll probably hurt for a while." Dallas mumbled, and Charlie whipped around to face him, and it looked an awful lot like Charlie was about to kick him. I stepped forward, and grabbed Charlie's shoulder. "Charlie, can't we get over it? It ain't Dallas's fault!" I exclaimed, and Charlie stared bitterly down at the cowering Dallas. What no one expected was for Charlie to collapse crying at his brother's side, which was exactly what happened. It really didn't matter that Dallas had gotten their pa locked up, he was bound for it anyway, and their mother would be grateful. We were all a family, and we couldn't let what happened to Aaron happen to another of our brothers. That was more important than their abusive scum of a father.

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Farrah hesitantly followed Xander up the mountain trail. "It's getting cold," she whispered.
Xander turned around. "Do you trust me?"
The shaking girl nodded.
"Okay then. We're almost there, come on," he urged, helping her take the next step. And the next one. And the one after that. Just as he promised, it was the view of a perfect sunset when they reached the peak.
"It's beautiful," Farrah sighed happily.
Xander coughed from behind her and she turned to see him down on one knee. Her hands clapped over her mouth in pure joy.
"Farrah LeVere… will you marry me?" Xander asked, opening the box to reveal the beautiful diamond ring.
"Yes! Yes yes yes!" Farrah exclaimed happily. Emotions swelled inside of her. She pulled him to his feet and kissed him happily.


"Alright, Picking a lock…I can do this." I told myself releasing the Bobby pins from their place in my hair. "Alright first step, shape the pins." I whispered quietly to myself. I'd never picked a lock properly but our dad worked as a locksmith before the fall. I bent the pins into the proper shapes and inserted the long skinny metal into the lock. I heard footsteps above me and knew I was low on time, my brother was locked on the other side of this door and I wouldn't leave him behind, not again.
"Next step, shape the pin into a small L shape." I whispered, using the help of the wall to make a small bend on the end of the pin
"Next, use the L to push up the pins, easier said than done." I mumbled, inserting the pin and slowly one at a time rasing the pins until I heard a click and opened the door "Come on we have to go!"