forum Story Game
Started by @Crisis

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Sitting at the edge of the world
Looking at the abyss below
A birds cry, and I fous
Leaning forward, I close my eyes
The cool wind bites at my face
Tears streaming down my cheeks
Voices and pictures constantly repeat
Thoughts flowing through
Leaning forward, I fall
Closing my eyes and letting go
I fall off the edge of the world
Into the abyss below
My next step?
Eternal peace,
Under the sea


Eye's ,windows to the soul, They say you can tell a fae from looking at their eye's, My own are the dull brown of a human, I would give anything to have the eye's of a fae, the bright colors stood out in there narrow faces, He was a fae, bright blue eye's that shone when the sun hit them, Blue the color of the sky, he was a fairy white feathered wings sprouted from his back, I loved to stair at the sky and watch them up there with my own muddy eye's. He would descend some times and hover above the ground, Fairies couldn't touch the ground, it was to unpure to muddy like my eye's. We would talk his feet inches from the ground risking his divinity to talk to a mere human such as my self. Blue eye's sparkling he would tell tales of the dragons in the east mountains, or of the city of clouds where All Fairies lived. When I went to our meeting place that day I was attacked just out side the clearing, Human thugs there eye's dark and dull like my own tore at my skin clawing to reach my soul, Humans who eat a human soul can ascend as lesser Fae, Humans always travel in pairs to avoid this, All humans except for me. I struggled forward I just had to reach the clearing, He was there Our eye's met, Bright blue and angry, He flew forward beating at the Humans with his strong wings, The Humans scattered, not even they were dumb enough to challenge a full fledged fairy. I lay unmoving on the bloodied grass, He fluttered over me, powerless, I was a human I was unclean, he was a fairy pure and perfect. When I woke he was right above me, whispering that it would be alright, blood dripped from his hands and arms, He had carried me into the clearing. I looked up into his eye's, he grabbed my hand and I watched his Wings fade to black, and Red gleamed back at me over taking the blue in his eye's. It was the price he paid for touching a humans blood, such and unclean thing, As a Dark Fae he would be shunned from the pure white Clouds banished to the storms. As his lips met mine, it was clear he didn't care, I would live in the storms to My eye's were mud already what was a little more.

Deleted user

if someone wants a prompt…here's one I guess?
Humans had always wondered about the end of the world, but now that you were there to see it, you knew they were all so, so wrong.


A world In flames, spinning remains, bloodied landscapes, Humans were all to good at seeing the negatives, never shying away from the gruesome Ideas. But what happened was much worse, there were no screams of people in agony being ripped to shreds, no blood, no guts, just silence, My human (I'm a cat) Was one of the last to vanish, to fade into the bleak bright white that slowly consumed them all leaving gaping holes in a seemingly endless canvas. It was less an end and more an erasing, those of us left behind swore we could here the mutterings of the creator, furiously typing away at their computer or scratching symbols that spun them selves into mountains. There were few who survived the destruction, there were gaps in our universe holes in out very history that we ourselves could never fill, we lived at a stand still an unopened file, an unfinished world. Those of us left behind made sorry attempts at patching together the torn universe, but it was to no avail. We lived, suspended in uncompletion. There were tales, stories from another world, A day would come, a Month, When Our world would be completed. It was a hopeless communities way of coping all we could do was wait until we were completely erased deleted from the very universe. We never thought that Month would come, but come it did, the Editors mutterings once again filled our dreams and sent letters flying into rivers and humans. Those of us who lived through it didn't call it the end, we called it the Great Edit.