forum So I’m bored and curious therefore I made a thing where our characters can interact. Please come in and introduce your characters! Everyone’s welcome to take part!
Started by Deleted user
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Me: I have many many tragic stories hehehehe….. Should I bring one of my characters here?
Charlie: I'd like to meet them. There, am I less depressing now?
Me: It's a start I guess. By guys!
Charlie: Bye… Della I actually haven't been to Wisconsin. Is there ANYTHING I'm missing out on?

Deleted user

Me: I think I should go get Cameron.
M: The limit’s two.
Me: I’m the person upholding this chat I can do whatever I want.

@Painted-Iris group

Me: I'm back and I brought my cinnamon roll, Malachi as well as my small witch child, Lata.
Lata: Witch child? I'm thirteen, I don't think I'm a child at this point.
Me: Hush, you're my child since I created you.
Malachi being timid: Um, hi! It's nice to meet you all…!


Me to JellyBean: Oh, they're so cute! "turns to Lata" She's right Lata. Even if you were ten thousand years, you're still her child. "turns to Malachi" Hey there, how are you?

Deleted user

me: yo Avery, i see you sneaking out! come back here. You too Angel

@Painted-Iris group

Me to JellyBean: Oh, they're so cute! "turns to Lata" She's right Lata. Even if you were ten thousand years, you're still her child. "turns to Malachi" Hey there, how are you?

Me: I know, and I love these two so much!
Lata: I guess so…
Malachi: I'm pretty good, thank you for asking. He grins at Badabingbadaboom.
Me: Malachi, I may have to steal you from Kaz and Vaughn…
Malachi: wAIT WHAT-
Me: I made you too precious and I wanna adopt you from them aaaaa


me: aight so I guess I'm shoving some characters in
pushes my grumpy dad Vos and my ridiculous demon Bastian in
Vos: why am I here? this doesn't count towards my tally marks
Bastian: show me where the guys are and I will gladly start flirting

@Painted-Iris group

Me: oh dang it, Axtin just left, Bastian. You want me to force him back here? If it's okay with the owner of the chat that I can temporarily have three that is.
Lata: Oh lord, not that obnoxious flirt…


Bastian: aw yiss where's that hunk of-
Vos: slaps him upside the head would you calm down for once in your life
Bastian: shut it old man, just because I dated your kid doesn't mean you can kill my vibe

Deleted user

Me yeets back into room: HERE IS MY CHILD Cameron!
Cameron: What… what am I doing here?
Me: It’s like another character chat!

@Painted-Iris group

Me: I wanna see this go down so, just gonna ask if I can have three?
Lata: No need. If he's coming, I'm going.
Me: Dang, I made you and Sora so similar in that way…
Lata: Starts to leave
Axtin runs in: BASTIAN I'M HERE

Deleted user

Me: Sure you can have three! Pulls Cameron and M back into the room. Looks around


Bastian: sees Axtin gIMME
Vos: Jesus christ okay I'll protect Malachi scoops Malachi up and hides him in his trenchcoat
Me: lmao this is gonna be good

Deleted user

Avery: sulking in the corner
Angel: tries to stop Avery from sulcking in the corner

@Painted-Iris group

Bastian: sees Axtin gIMME
Vos: Jesus christ okay I'll protect Malachi scoops Malachi up and hides him in his trenchcoat
Me: lmao this is gonna be good

Axtin: attacks Bastian in a hug
Malachi: It's actually pretty big in here…!
Me: Thanks Vos. I have math to deal with so I appreciate it.

Deleted user

Angel: OoH hes handsome! weird look in his eyes
Avery: oh stars not agian

@Painted-Iris group

Vos: gives Iris thumbs up before hiding in the trenchcoat with Malachi
Bastian: starts laughing and falls while dragging Axtin with him

(And since his dads are cannon, he gets to have fun with grandpa lol)

Deleted user

Me: Storms around, looking for my stray Demon
M whispers: Can someone kill me thanks