forum So I’m bored and curious therefore I made a thing where our characters can interact. Please come in and introduce your characters! Everyone’s welcome to take part!
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Me: Alright Kaori, y-
Kaori: Why you brought me here? Gonna ruin my life one more time?
Me: L-look, I know you’re story is…. really, really sad, so, I decided that you need some friends.
Kaori: You’ll kill them like previous?
Me: N-No! Have a good time, be nice and don-
Kaori: Geez, I’m 32, don’t treat me like a ch- Where are you going?
Me: For the other one. I’ll be back. "Exits the room"
Kaori: So, "Glances at everyone" hi, I'm Kaori and that monster my creator.

Deleted user

Zackary: Glances at me Hey you could be nicer to me, too.
Me: Zackary, I’ve only killed you five times.


Kaori: "Looks to Zackary" Wow man, really? I thought she is the cruel one, but…. five times? Just, why? Why you make us suffer? "Gives you a reproachful glance"

@Painted-Iris group

Sora: glares at me Think of killing me and I may have to do the same to you.
Me: I mean, A, I didn't plan on it, and B, you'd probably cease to exist when I die so I'd rather you not.

Deleted user

Zackary: Plot, but her partner brought me back repeatedly.
Me: I had no part in what Alex wanted.


Kaori: “to Sora” Hey, are you Japanese or you just have Japanese name? She is just obsessed with everything about Japan, that’s why she made me and other 100+ characters. I wonder who’d she choose and I strongly hope it’s not Zen.

Deleted user

Zackary: Well, I’m an Immortal Demon guy.
Me: That’s the story Alex wanted to use, anyway. Zackary’s technically not immortal.
Zackary: Yep, I’m Bi and I just want to die.

@Painted-Iris group

Kaori: “to Sora” Hey, are you Japanese or you just have Japanese name? She is just obsessed with everything about Japan, that’s why she made me and other 100+ characters. I wonder who’d she choose and I strongly hope it’s not Zen.

Sora: (she has bright red hair) Um no?
Me: I used a name generator and it sounded cool….
Sora: yOU WHAT?
Axtin: Haaaa-
Me: I did the same for you too…
Sora: HA!

@Painted-Iris group

Me: Ooo I'll look into Nameberry. It sounds cool.
Sora: That's so uncreative-
Me: Don't make me change your name to something extremely girly to clash with your personality.
Sora: I mean that's great! Yeah, totally a great idea.
Me: That's what I thought

Deleted user

M: Actually, that personally offends me.
Me: Yeah, somehow I made you without the… usual flaws characters have… How did I do that, tho.
M: Don’t ask me.

@Painted-Iris group

Me: I may have a small angst obsession?
Sora: Yeah, she loves to torture us in the beginning but then makes it turn out okay for the most part.
Axtin: Not with me though.
Me: To be fair, I'll probably only will use you in roleplays if a flirty pan boi is needed.
Axtin: Were that not an accurate description of me, I would be a bit more offended.

@Painted-Iris group

Me: I picked the characters with the most underdeveloped stories to be honest. I have two small children and 2 older characters and they all have some sort of sad story to go with them.
There's Cal, who was born as a slave in a sense, Lata who is a young witch with illusion powers but in a society where magic is hated, Hazel, who is in our era but suffers with depression, and lastly Malachi… oh my poor baby.
Axtin: Even I have no comment for that.


Charlie: I haven't existed long enough to know about any of my story honestly. But yeah, San Diego. In the past 16ish years of my life, I've lived in Greater London, Edinburgh, Paris, New York City, Detroit, Washington D.C. Orlando, Atlanta, Honolulu and presently, Dallas. My mom is the current Secretary of State for the U.S. so we go EVERYWHERE. San Diego is next.
Me: Charlie, you haven't lived in one place long enough to actually live there though.
Charlie: Oh, really? What do you call existing perpetually on the road or in a plane then? Hi, I'm Charlie Alex Runds, and I live in my mom's Buick, his name's Trav after John Travolta.
Me: No, you just, I don't know. I do know, however, that you are gender fluid and don't have a specific age. Does that help?
Charlie: How would that help anything. Hi, I'm Charlie Alex Runds and I barely exist, woo hoo for me how great is that?
Me: Stop being so depressing, I'm not going to write you that way. Although I have a lot of depressing things planned for you……


Me: Heeeeyy, guess who's back?
Kaori: Oh, it's you. Can you go away for, like, forever? I'd like to here more about Charlie.
Me: I'm not alone. "pulls a guy with a motorcycle helmet into room"
Kaori: Tadashi!! "runs to him and falls in to hug"
Tadashi: Yo, I missed you.
Kaori: Me too. "looks to me" Okay, you can stay, but I'm still mad at you.
Me: I deserve it. "shrugs shoulders"

Deleted user

M leans against a wall: Well, this is great and all but-
Me: No, M, we’re going to learn about these guys. If you’re lucky enough they won’t pay attention to you.
M in a huffy manner: Good point, I suppose.


Me: "stares guilty at floor" Sorry, Tadashi was modifying one of his bikes and he only came here because his girlfriend were here. I crushed both of theit lives and made them come along. So, um, what did I miss?
Kaori: Nothing much, there's just people who is way worser than you, like Cat Lover, Wry Wyvern and JellyBean. "holds Tadashi's hand and they go to the corner of the room" How was your day?
Me: W-Wait! Did you make any friends? Huh, she doesn't listen to me. Well,"looks at Cat Lover" you also made your characters struggle?

@Painted-Iris group

Me to Badabingbadaboom: Honestly, who hasn't at this point? Hm, now that I think about it, Sora, Axtin you guys can go if you want.
Sora: Fine with me.
Axtin: Aha, yes! I can go hang out with Xander in the romance roleplay- clears throat Um, I mean yeah sure.
Me: snickers Time to bring in the characters with the tragic pasts mwahaha

@HighPockets group

Della: I live in Wisconsin. There's a lot of cows and ice cream, I guess, but not much exciting happens here.
Jackson: I'm from Kalamazoo.
Della: I thought you were from Kenosha.
Jackson: My parents were divorced, I lived in Kalamazoo for the summer and Kenosha for the schoolyear. Then I spent a few years in New York City.
Geneva: Born and raised in Wisco, then moved to Chicago, and then back.

(All of my Tragic PastTM characters except Geneva are in different chats.)

Deleted user

Me: "stares guilty at floor" Sorry, Tadashi was modifying one of his bikes and he only came here because his girlfriend were here. I crushed both of theit lives and made them come along. So, um, what did I miss?
Kaori: Nothing much, there's just people who is way worser than you, like Cat Lover, Wry Wyvern and JellyBean. "holds Tadashi's hand and they go to the corner of the room" How was your day?
Me: W-Wait! Did you make any friends? Huh, she doesn't listen to me. Well,"looks at Cat Lover" you also made your characters struggle?

Me: Huhuhuhe of course I do.
M: You don’t as much as you think.
Me: What?