forum So I’m bored and curious therefore I made a thing where our characters can interact. Please come in and introduce your characters! Everyone’s welcome to take part!
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people_alt 8 followers


Bastian: giggling like a little kid while still smooshing their faces together nowww kiss
Kaon: wheezes like a dying Jensen before beginning to cackle again
me: I give up, this is too fucking funny


Me: I can't stop laughing in english send help
Matt: raises his eyebrows before kissing James back just as aggressively
Grey: goes to sit beside Atticus "Do you want to go home?"
Atticus: shaking his head "I don't wanna leave Avery…"


Me: I was so confused and my first thought was "laughing in english? do you usually laugh in french????"
Cade: aggressively sipping his tea in the corner I definitely want to go home


Me: it's chaos. James and Matt are making out, Red is laughing in an unknown language, and Cade is triggered
Cade: I'm not triggered I just want to go home

@HighPockets group

Jackson: What's up, kriffers?!
Geneva: I'm sorry, he swears in Star Wars lingo.
Jackson: I swear in earthen languages, too, but Jyn won't let me on her computer.