forum So I’m bored and curious therefore I made a thing where our characters can interact. Please come in and introduce your characters! Everyone’s welcome to take part!
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Deleted user

Aves: also quite terrible, im being forced to be nice or i dont get my coffee

@HighPockets group

Della: I'm getting the feeling that none of us are actually nice people. Except for amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) and Theo. And sometimes Teagan.

Deleted user

Avery: im from a underwater pocket demension where im from there is no such thing as coffee, it was hourendus

Deleted user

Zackary: Sits down with a sigh
M: This is extremely boring.
Me: It’s pretty entertaining.

@HighPockets group

Della: I'm from the modern times. My dad is dead, my brother doesn't spend time with me anymore, and I have really bad depression. So yeah. And now Aunt Gen almost was killed by Senator Roge and her business partner actually was killed. So life isn't the most fun.

@HighPockets group

Theo: My parents ignore me
Erica: And me. And my mom and dad are too busy working to watch Timothy-
Theo: He's our younger brother.
Erica: And Alice is married and her husband is really pretentious.

@HighPockets group

amy (the most wonderful woman in the world): Anxiety makes me unable to do the things I want to do, and my moms are a bit overprotective of me. I mean, I love them and I know they don't want me to get hurt, but it can be a bit stifling at times.
Everyone looks at Teagan
Teagan: My life is pretty good, actually.

Deleted user

by now Avery has used the people talking as a way to get the heck out of there

Deleted user

M: wondering angrily Are they going to make me tell my backstory? I have hell of a long one, considering I’m 6000.

Deleted user

M: No.
Zackary: Yeah, I don’t feel very comfortable giving information out about myself. Rubs the scar on his face uncomfortably

@HighPockets group

Teagan: Then tell us about your name. They're important, and the meanings are fun! Like how Della is generous in Gift Of The Magi but Del Taco here won't even share oreos with me.
Della: What is it with you and those oreos?
Teagan: What is it with you and Hamlet?
Della: Touche

Deleted user

Me: Alright, everyone remember to have fun!
Ryker: You expect me to do that with her?
Aiko: What did you say!
Ryker: You heard me, half-pint.
Aiko: You won't say it again!
Me: You guys have the best character dynamic of all when you aren't fighting! Come on!
Ryker: I have no interest in being friends with her!
Aiko: I actually agree with you for once!

@HighPockets group

Della: Yeah, my writer can't even decide if I get the lead in the play or not!! It should have taken her 2 minutes to decide but no. She has to hold the part of Hamlet just out of my reach. And she also can't decide if Aunt Gen will end up with Jackson or Martha. glares pointedly at Jynandor

Deleted user

Avery: Dusk wiped out my entire dimension and wrote it as my fault, my dad and my papa were wiped out so was my sister. Writers like to cause pain

Deleted user

M: My name is M. That’s it. No elaboration because I literally don’t know/like any of you.

@HighPockets group

Della: I recommend not asking the people from the Creston story how they're doing. Why? Because Jynandor had to freaking MURDER THEM ALL!!!
Theo: Or the people in Twyllo…
Della: At least most of them are still alive? Oh wait, Jyn can't figure that out either!

Deleted user

Me: Jeez I did nothing of the sort. Killing off characters is fun, but it’s not… a good way to end a story…
M: Seconded.