forum So I’m bored and curious therefore I made a thing where our characters can interact. Please come in and introduce your characters! Everyone’s welcome to take part!
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Matt: being intwined with both Bastian and Axtin "I'm totally down fer a rodeo wit ya two" he winked at them and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively
Me: Oh my god Matt you're literally what Iris said.
Grey: rushing Mary-Ann out of the room "Go play with Kais, yeah? Off you go now. Have fun."
Atticus: hiding his face behind his hands, pretending to not know Matt


me: good god there's so much of this cowboy shit goin on
Vos: please for the love of all that is holy don't ship me with a cowboy
me: don't worry buddy you're safe
Bastian: oh hellllll yeahhhhh

@Painted-Iris group

Axtin: mmm hmm. You know it, baby. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Me: Okay, we're leaving for real, I'm tired as hell
Me: come on or I'll write you dying in front of Bastian
Axtin: o shit, ok, ok
Malachi: Good night Grandpa Vos!

@Painted-Iris group

me: good god there's so much of this cowboy shit goin on
Vos: please for the love of all that is holy don't ship me with a cowboy
me: don't worry buddy you're safe
Bastian: oh hellllll yeahhhhh

Me: makes a cowboy to ship with Vos Ok ok no just kidding


me: idfk bro
Vos: I want love and they're indirectly making fun of me by making out *points at Bastian, Matt, and Axtin
me: yeah but anyways imma use the sleep now lol


Matt: "What? Nawt willin to share there Bassy?" he teased him.
Me: Matt for the love of Jesus himself, you don't need another god-damn ship.
Atticus: can't even look at anyone anymore as he's dying from second-hand embarrassment from Matt


me: okay nvm got a few
Bastian: aw yissss
Vos: I will not fuck a cyborg cowboy, thank you. I am demi and that is a fact
me: you're technically demi-omnisexual
Vos: yes I may be into everything but that does not mean I'm desperate to fuck anything


Matt: super impressed with Vos "Now how in tha hell could ya tell I'mma cyborg, glorious king."
Me: I'm also impressed with that Vos. Very observant of you.
Atticus: curling up into a ball and hiding under a table


Vos: because I'm a demon king who specializes in electricity. I can disrupt the electric frequencies in your entire body if I want
me: what did we say about accidentally threatening people
Vos: I'll stop being intimidating if you find me some tall dark and brooding guy to date
me: I'll make an oddly specific rp for you tomorrow you big baby


Kain: strutting in wearing a full on dress suit and cane "Well well well, looks like there's a party here. I'm disappointed, Red. How come I wasn't invited, hmm?"
Me: You can't threaten me, I created you. Why are you even here?
Kain: "Oh you know me, I hear the word murder and I simply must come running. Can you blame me? I just get all warm and tingly inside just by the thought of their faces… Mmm, delicious…"
Atticus: runs out of the room in fear and takes Grey with him
Me: You can't be here though. I technically haven't even used you in a roleplay cuz you'd end up killing everyone in some way or another.


Me: that death scene sounds pretty good now, does it not?
Axtin: groans in sadness

James: I'm here what
Me: ???


Misty: I don't even need to use my telepathy to want to gouge my eyes out. Ever heard the phrase get a room?
Charlie: watches Matt with an interested look in their face You remind me of my mom. Except she's not so public about her "after work habits" because she's secretary of state so she can't be but yeah she acts exactly like you…


Vos: raises hands in the air murder buddies!
me: Vos please
Vos: leave me alone you cut me off from all my canon murder buddies
Bastian: you are so weird, even for a demon king


Bastian: well mine gave me two decent relationships and then fucked them up and emotionally damaged me for no reason
Me: it was for plot! We’ve been over this!

Deleted user

Aeson looks up at M "Tall ass."

M blinks: Okay? And? You’re short.

@Painted-Iris group

Me: Hey I'm back and feel like death
Axtin: I want to adopt your dog from you please
Me: nO, NEVER. You can adopt your own dog.
Axtin: But I like that she's so soft and cute but can also easily bite your face off hahaha
Me: That's not even funny because she literally just did that to me this fricking morning
Axtin: o righttttttt.