forum So I’m bored and curious therefore I made a thing where our characters can interact. Please come in and introduce your characters! Everyone’s welcome to take part!
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 8 followers

Deleted user

Me: Yo anyone want to talk to Avery? im tired of talking to him, when he could be getting friends

Deleted user

Avery: i forgot i was pretty much made to break the 4th wall. never mind


Charlie: I've lived all over the world but I've never done anything THAT crazy. Well….. I take that back. There was Edinburgh. We don't speak about Edinburgh.
Misty: Ooh what happened in Edinburgh goes quiet for a second oH GAWD what IS it with you people?


Vos: alright I'm in a room full of crazy people
me: dude you were a genuine tyrant. you used to be demon hitler
Vos: shhh we don't talk about that


me: nah I decided to make Vos here literally the worst dad to one of the main characters in my story
Vos: so it wasn't my fault
me: nah you kind of wrote yourself after that. you were originally gonna die like the third time you showed up
Vos: well fuck you too


Me: Hey guys what's- what the? sees everyone being crazy and there's a bunch of new characters Okay, have fun, byeeeee! leaves
Misty: Hi Julian! Hi Avery! I'm just gonna try and ignore everything going on over there so…… How's it going?

@HighPockets group

Jackson: Vos like Quinlan or Vos like Dryden?
Geneva: Octane said demon Hitler, does that convey 'wild card Jedi' or 'sadistic crime lord' to you?
Jackson: I was just asking a question!
Geneva: Ask a stupid question….


Vos: I don't understand that reference
me: think "oh I used to be a manipulative bastard who only had a kid to expand my kingdom, but once my not-wife died I realized I was a dick. though I didn't try to fix it until my son stabbed me with a cursed dagger that forces me to be good or I die"