forum So I’m bored and curious therefore I made a thing where our characters can interact. Please come in and introduce your characters! Everyone’s welcome to take part!
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Alexios: whats going on over there? motions to bastian and axtin

@Painted-Iris group

Also Axtin: gives Axtin a light kiss missed you too. glares at me
Me: oh please. stop being a baby. octane and I let you have a whole fricking roleplay for you two.

@Painted-Iris group

me: oh they're one of my and Iris' ships
Bastian: I'm in like four but this one is gr8
Vos: they're idiots is what they are

Me: heheheee i kinda regret having Axtin here though because we get carried away
Axtin: stfu you're mine here so shhh
Malachi: That's kinda mean, grandpa
Me: no, he's kinda right lol


Vos: hush now sweetie I'm protecting you from a menace
Bastian: says the former demon hitler
Vos: starts swearing in Infini
me: you want me to translate that
Vos: no

@Painted-Iris group

Me: octane no, don't taint the child again
also me: Axtin you have to leave with me again, it's late and I need sleep
Axtin: nO
Me: yes
Axtin: frick
Malachi: frick?
Me: Malachi no
Malachi: wait did I say a bad thing again
Me: for your age yes, for the rest of us, no

@Painted-Iris group

Axtin: I want to but some dumb mortal coughs Iris is making me leaveeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Me: Dang it, stop referring to me as mortal, ok? I mean I am but boi I need sleep, carry me to bed
Axtin: carry yourself
Me: stop being salty
Axtin: I will if I can stay longer
Me: If we stay longer I will suffer immensely tomorrow at school
Axtin: do it for loveeeeeee~
Me: sleep is more important drags Axtin away
Axtin: begins scream singing This Is Gospel IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Me: God, why did i make you this way?


Vos: you have literally takes a second to count on fingers three other people you could be fucking
Bastian: but the creator of two of them is offline and idk about the other one
me: stop whining
Bastian: fight me


Matt walking over to Bastian and Axtin before letting himself fall on them like human pillows: SUPPIDY DOO DAH TO YALL HUN-BUNS
Atticus finally entering: Hey sorry I'm kinda late gu…. What is uncle Matt doing?
Me: Matt is… drunk.
Grey: As always.
Mary-Ann running over to Atticus for a hug: You took too long, you owe me a hug now.


Me: "Yeah, you won't let me go one roleplay with Matt without referencing that stupid song that I can never hear people sing sober."
Matt: "Ya mean mah theme song?" He asked while reaching out to grab Axtin's face and give him a kiss. "Been a while, ya lovely gentle-man."
Grey and Atticus: "Cover your eyes, Mary-Ann."
Mary-Ann: "Why?"
Me: "Just do it sweetie."


Vos: gags in the distance
Bastian: bitch I took ur…how do I say this without tainting people…I fucked u first, where's my kiss
me: distant cackling


Bastian: okay you know what this calls for a temporary poly
Vos: were you not poly before?
Bastian: no I'm just indecisive
Vos: right yes I forget that humans and former humans are usually more pair-oriented


Matt: "Oh that was jus' wonderful ther' purdy ass." he groped Axtin's ass before turning to Bastian. "Don' worray yer sexy head. I'd nevah ferget ya Bassy. Wan' some lovin' too huh?" he turned to mash his lips against Bastian's.
Me: Jesus Matt, have some decency.
Mary-Ann: "Grey, is this what the birds and bees looks like?" she tilted her head in confusion
Grey: "Uh…… nononono I said cover your eyes!" she pressed her hands against Mary-Ann's eyes.

@Painted-Iris group

Axtin: Please, you haven't seen nothing yet! He gives Matt a pat on the backside as he watches the other two make out
Also Axtin: Plus I think I'd be more like a wasp than a bee lmao

@Painted-Iris group

Me: Okay, Axtin I stg I'm so done- sees the aggressive kissing session what the actual f-
Me: were I writing this, I totally would have made you say "this thot's been caught"
Axtin: omfg I'm making that my catchphrase


me: oh my fucking god I'm stealing that
Bastian: gives a thumbs up before going back to groping Matt while making out with him
Vos: why am I the only one without a ship
me: I'm trying to find you one, don't worry bud. you're just a very hard character to find a boyfriend for
Vos: *pouting
why does no one love me

@Painted-Iris group

Axtin: attempts to kiss both Axtin and Matt at once
Malachi: runs in I love you grandpa!
Me: MALACHI, YOU SHOULD BE SLEEPING. Also he meant romantic love.
Malachi: oh.


Vos: it's okay, grandpa appreciates it
me: I've got you in like two romance rps. granted they are moving at -50000 mph but you're still out there
Vos: why is it so difficult to get a boyfriend? I don't even want to rule the world with them, I just want back rubs and cuddles and muder
me: Vos buddy what did we say about murder
Bastian in the background: still violently making out with Matt