forum Slytherin Common Room
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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Speaking as a Huffle, we drink Firewhisky. Or Butterbeer. Not tea, only if we're comforting someone. And you would not believe the stuff we Hufflepuffs do on a daily basis. Warm and fuzzy? Think again. Yeah I am also snek, birdie, and lyoon so yeah um…. Well, I'm in every house.

@Becfromthedead group

We have to stop letting Gryffindors sneak into our common room. I mean, you saw what happened in the chamber of secrets.
As for official house drinks, based on personal experience, I'd say Ravenclaw is coffee, Hufflepuff is tea, and Gryffindor is either soda, hot chocolate, or maybe chocolate milk or something?

Deleted user

Speaking as a Huffle, we drink Firewhisky. Or Butterbeer. Not tea, only if we're comforting someone. And you would not believe the stuff we Hufflepuffs do on a daily basis. Warm and fuzzy? Think again. Yeah I am also snek, birdie, and lyoon so yeah um…. Well, I'm in every house.



you know those mornings when you wake up at the normal time but you feel like its ridiculous to be awake like who is even up at 5 in the morning.


My body doesn't let me sleep in, I wake up at 5:00 am every day, because even on the weekends my bodies like get up you have school.

Deleted user

Wow that's sad man I'm in homeschool so I don't know what that's like.


It's life so I'm used to it, but still sometimes I remember the days when I could sleep until 7 those were good days.

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Please vacate the premises

What if you are all the houses?

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Okay I just took my pottermore quiz…. I broke it….. I'm cursed.

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Please vacate the premises

(I'm none)

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You can't break Pottermore

I did. I'm cursed!

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Well if you're really all the houses then you're technically not Slytherin so please vacate the premises

Well I've taken a lot of buzzfeed quizzes and gotten snake so…..

Deleted user

Well if you're really all the houses then you're technically not Slytherin so please vacate the premises

(Give me the link to see what house I'm in)