forum Shuri Appreciation Thread
Started by @RedTheLoveless

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I’m very late (and probably no longer a legitimate part of this thread XD) but I just wanted to say that I think about you guys (especially our lovely Shuri) every day and thank you Shuri for everything
Shirt, if you need to talk, I’ll do my best to be there for you.
Much love to all


Shuri has been there for us. He is strong, brave, talented, helpful, caring, smart, determined, badass, funny, capable, loving and kind. He is an example of what a real friend is and I am so blessed to have met him. Take care, my awesome friend! I will never forget you!

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Shuri has been there for us. He is strong, brave, talented, helpful, caring, smart, determined, badass, funny, capable, loving and kind. He is an example of what a real friend is and I am so blessed to have met him. Take care, my awesome friend! I will never forget you!

Amen sister!


Shuri has been there for us. He is strong, brave, talented, helpful, caring, smart, determined, badass, funny, capable, loving and kind. He is an example of what a real friend is and I am so blessed to have met him. Take care, my awesome friend! I will never forget you!



Shuri you're the most selfless person I've ever met. It's actually ridiculous how selfless you are. You're an angel of a person honestly. But don't forget that you aren't an angel. You're human, and humans need to be taken care of.


Maybe it's what I deserve. I knew nothing good would happen if I got my life involved with my business.
My life is a wreck right now. Sammy's gone. All I have left are you guys, Aaris, and my best friend.
And her best friend.


Well being a ray of sunshine is my main goal in life so thanks. I don't deserve honor though, I'm a normal person who yells when she's frustrated and forgets to take care of cleaning when she's sad. Honor is too heavy for me, I haven't done anything big, I've just cheered people up.