Focus on your own happiness. Don't stress yourself out in trying to make everyone else happy. You're not obligated to making sure we're all okay. Take care of yourself before you try to take care of everyone else. It's like if you broke your arm and you were running around taking care of everyone else while ignoring the fact that your arm looks like it got two elbows
I know it's a weird analogy but it's all I could think of.
I did do that.
Broke my hand and ignored it to help people.
News flash, it has healed just fine…
It may not work for you.
But for me, it's what I do.
Oh okay, well I'll listen of course. I'll probably still want you to be happy, but at least I'll understand why you don't want yourself to be.
How can you not believe you're too good for this world when you do stuff like that???
Focus on your own happiness. Don't stress yourself out in trying to make everyone else happy. You're not obligated to making sure we're all okay. Take care of yourself before you try to take care of everyone else. It's like if you broke your arm and you were running around taking care of everyone else while ignoring the fact that your arm looks like it got two elbows
I know it's a weird analogy but it's all I could think of.
I did do that.
Broke my hand and ignored it to help people.
News flash, it has healed just fine…
It may not work for you.
But for me, it's what I do.
Did I say it was impossible? No. It's just a really bad idea and nobody should ever feel like they have to do that.
It's okay to lean on people when you're hurting. And it's better for you and everyone else to make sure you're okay before you get involved in other people's pain.
How can you not believe you're too good for this world when you do stuff like that???
We're back to square one, now…
Focus on your own happiness. Don't stress yourself out in trying to make everyone else happy. You're not obligated to making sure we're all okay. Take care of yourself before you try to take care of everyone else. It's like if you broke your arm and you were running around taking care of everyone else while ignoring the fact that your arm looks like it got two elbows
I know it's a weird analogy but it's all I could think of.
I did do that.
Broke my hand and ignored it to help people.
News flash, it has healed just fine…
It may not work for you.
But for me, it's what I do.
Did I say it was impossible? No. It's just a really bad idea and nobody should ever feel like they have to do that.
It's okay to lean on people when you're hurting. And it's better for you and everyone else to make sure you're okay before you get involved in other people's pain.
I do do that when I absolutely need to.
But usually I don't… Better for everyone else…
And when everything is better for everyone else that kinda helps…
fucking deal with the love, Shuri
people love you
How can you not believe you're too good for this world when you do stuff like that???
We're back to square one, now…
Ugh I know, and I promised too, but it's hard to let stuff like this go.
Don't worry about me Beanz.
Just love me.
And I'll love you.
And we'll all be happy!
Alright fine. You're impossible, you know.
Damn straight.
That's my intuition for you!
Intuitive or stubborn . . .
Love you, too, ya vigilante.
Love you, too, ya vigilante.
I'm so glad I'm not the only person to think Shuri is definitely a vigilante
How could anyone not, honestly?
I don't punch people anymore…
Well yeah but you're still a vigilante in spirit and that's what counts. It's a good thing.
I don't punch people anymore…
trying to move around the confirmation!
I guess…
Doesn't matter to me what I am.
That's fair. I mean, according to my youngest brother, we're ALL buttheads anyway. And that, that's true unity.
A bit late here but Shuri I've seen all the awesome stuff you have said to people and I want to thank you for all of the confidence and good vibe you've given out! There needs to be more people like you!