forum Shuri Appreciation Thread
Started by @RedTheLoveless

people_alt 40 followers


For this site's resident do-gooder, dolling out advice and good vibes daily to those who need it. Time to have a taste of your own pleasant medicine, Shuri.


SHURI THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! You're always taking out your own time to worry about others! Everyone here loves ya!


I didn't wanna wait that long though… we gotta show you we appreciate you now and always. Plus there shall be a definite special surprised for you on your birthday. You're so wonderful and amazing, Shuri. We love you.


I didn't wanna wait that long though… we gotta show you we appreciate you now and always. Plus there shall be a definite special surprised for you on your birthday.

It's OK… Thanks a lot Red, you're awesome too, and I'll put one up for you some time in the future… Thanks a lot, doll, you're pretty awesome as well, so don't doubt yourself…

Deleted user

Not true, that goes to you
Ad if you say otherwise I will hunt you down and shove the title down your throat.

Deleted user

You say that to everyone…
And I will make you die with all my appreciation.