forum Shower thoughts
Started by @Mojack group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

What if women found a way to procreate with other women? Like, one woman gets her egg into another and the eggs be like "FUSION!!" Boom,fertilized egg (since eggs have the genetic coding for technical stuff). The child would be female, of course. Would feminists do this all the time, and would men die off?

Also, in an advanced society, where AI is common in robots, if you had sex with your robot boyfriend/girlfriend, would they technically just be advanced sex toys?



So you're saying that two female sex cells would just do a dragon ball fusion dance or something

How creative lmao XD


yEAH bOi i Love Dragon ball (super especially of course)

Your cell thing (no pun intended) is funny but not biologically possible, sorry.


@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

What if Deadpool went up against Orihime from Bleach? Orihime be like "I Regect!!" And it'd be like, boom, Deadpool no longer has powers, cause she would restore his original self. He could finally be with Death, his lover. (Comic cannon Deadpool)


Perhaps because we aren't usually aware of time when we are asleep. Think about when somebody blacks out, they kinda just wake up in a new place, and have no idea when it happened.


Yeah but why aren’t we usually aware of time? It’s not like we’re dead, our bodies are still functioning. If we don’t have a watch on us and 30 minutes go by, we usually know that it’s been about that long. Why don’t we know that when we’re asleep?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

What if every time we dream, we are actually going to another dimension and living someone else's life? Does that mean that lucid dreams (Ones you control) are you going to another dimension and taking over someone?


what if thanos used the infinity stones to double the universe's resources instead of killing half of the population.


what if thanos used the infinity stones to double the universe's resources instead of killing half of the population.

if that was the case then I wouldn't have seen spidey DISSOLVE

Deleted user

Freddie Mercury sung in four octaves. For context of how absurd that is, the flute, one of the highest instruments in an orchestra/band plays in three.
