forum Shower thoughts
Started by @Mojack group

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@Mojack group

I’m starting a thread to put your shower thoughts. Come one, come all.

Have you ever considered aliens might not visit us because we make so many movies about alien and they just think we’re stereotyping them?

Every single moment in your life led to you reading this.

You might be living where a dinosaur might’ve stepped once.

Deleted user

Hey, am I gay or are girls just hot and guys not?

God, are you there?

Maybe if I ate a bug I'd become a-tick-ded.

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Wft is a conditioner and why do only females primarily use it?

I should probably write.

oH lotion!


If Pinocchio lies his nose will grow..what if he said "My nose will grow right now." If it did grow…it would be considered a lie…but it grew according to his sentence…so it isn't a lie…


If it doesn't grow its a lie so his nose would grow…but if it grows his sentence isnt a lie…??????
yall understand? lol its hard to explain and its okay if you dont understand because I barely understand it! xD it has been hurting my head for the loooonnnnnggggeessttt time though.


If Pinocchio lies his nose will grow..what if he said "My nose will grow right now." If it did grow…it would be considered a lie…but it grew according to his sentence…so it isn't a lie…


If it doesn't grow its a lie so his nose would grow…but if it grows his sentence isnt a lie…??????
yall understand? lol its hard to explain and its okay if you dont understand because I barely understand it! xD it has been hurting my head for the loooonnnnnggggeessttt time though.


@@Rhindy ❤️❤️

If Pinocchio lies his nose will grow..what if he said "My nose will grow right now." If it did grow…it would be considered a lie…but it grew according to his sentence…so it isn't a lie…


If it doesn't grow its a lie so his nose would grow…but if it grows his sentence isnt a lie…??????
yall understand? lol its hard to explain and its okay if you dont understand because I barely understand it! xD it has been hurting my head for the loooonnnnnggggeessttt time though.


Huh? That made me so confused just by reading that


basically if pinocchio said his nose would grow right now then that would be a paradox either way.


i have exsistential shower thoughts most of the time so-

like, how does reality exist at all??
people will say 'the big bang' but then that implies stuff existed before!! and isn't it a thing in science or whatever, that you can't make something from nothing, so like, to imply that there is a beginning is to imply that there was nothing before that, and if there was nothing before that, then how does anything exist at all!!!
other people will say religion, but then that makes it worse, because to say that someone or something existed before that is wild, like, where did they come from then??? and if they simply just always existed, then that probably means our tiny human brains can't comprehend how things actually are, and that means there is no 'beginning' because everything just was. and if that's the case, then i want to know why we always insist on a beginning.
i have many questions for the universe, and the universe will not answer.


Well for that I go ahead and assume that whatever the details are will blow my mind. I think that God has existed for forever, but even if that weren't the case, whatever happened had to be amazing.

Deleted user

Reality isn't real. It's all an illusion caused by the things in the oxygen, so that's why when we stop breathing, we black out.

Mosquitoes are just dirty used needles.


there is no such thing as 1D or 2D. I mean, even if something is just an atom thick, it still has length, width, and height.


Our words are just random noises that we made up…..
Singing…is just talking…but differently..?
Why is it so much better hearing our favorite song on the radio, than just looking it up on YouTube?
How come we have emotions?
Who exactly am I??

Deleted user

Where the fuck is my soap?

(That one is a frequent shower thought.)

@Mojack group

How do I lose my phone so fast even though I just put it on the bed beside me?

I might have walked where a murder once took place.

You don’t ever stop clapping, the time in between claps just varies.


What does death feel like

What if you had your period if you were in the shower

Japan's flag could just be a pie chart of how Japan is Japan


What does death feel like

What if you had your period if you were in the shower

Japan's flag could just be a pie chart of how Japan is Japan

You must be a guy then?

@EmptyNebula group

How would opposite day ever work. What if it was opposite day and you said that it was but then that would mean that it wasn't and you were lying even though it is. And if it is opposite day and you say that it isn't that would mean it's opposite day but then people wouldn't believe you because it's pointless knowledge.
This had been racking my brain for at least 4 years