forum Shower thoughts
Started by @Mojack group

people_alt 73 followers


How would opposite day ever work. What if it was opposite day and you said that it was but then that would mean that it wasn't and you were lying even though it is. And if it is opposite day and you say that it isn't that would mean it's opposite day but then people wouldn't believe you because it's pointless knowledge.
This had been racking my brain for at least 4 years

Besides that, where would you draw the line with Opposite Day? Would everyone speak backwards? Or would they just say everything they don’t mean?


Ya, My best friend thinks her name is too different and I think my name is too bland.
But think her name is really cool and she thinks my name is a nice name like WHAT


Oh, I’ve got another one: how close to something can you get without actually touching it? Technically speaking, our bodies are too shaky to be able to correctly calculate it, but shouldn’t it be whatever number comes right after zero? Which would be 0.000000000. . .1?


In a class I had, we were researching the ancient Greek Olympics. In one of the activities, they wrapped something around their wrists to keep control in their wrists and fingers. So I was like will this really work. So I tightly wrapped a scarf around my wrist and it worked and my drawing was so perfect and I got bragging rights from my friends.


In a class I had, we were researching the ancient Greek Olympics. In one of the activities, they wrapped something around their wrists to keep control in their wrists and fingers. So I was like will this really work. So I tightly wrapped a scarf around my wrist and it worked and my drawing was so perfect and I got bragging rights from my friends.

What???? I need to try that

@HighPockets group

How come it feels weird to say my own name out loud?

This is literally the weirdest sensation, I have a friend with the same name as me and it's so awkward