forum Show Off Your Singing Voices!
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 80 followers

Deleted user

she's cute
she's gay
and she sings??????
gurl if you were in my city
I'd attack you

Deleted user

she's cute
she's gay
and she sings??????
gurl if you were in my city
I'd attack you

omg what
i've never been flirted with like this-

You're cute as fuck.

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

she's cute
she's gay
and she sings??????
gurl if you were in my city
I'd attack you

omg what
i've never been flirted with like this-

You're cute as fuck.

hhhhh i'm not used to this-

Deleted user

She does it to many.

shut up and let me be a ho

Deleted user

she's cute
she's gay
and she sings??????
gurl if you were in my city
I'd attack you

omg what
i've never been flirted with like this-

You're cute as fuck.

hhhhh i'm not used to this-

so you're seeing people see your cute face and literally say nothing????


Thanks. I have a deeper speaking voice and my singing voice is very inconsistent. I'll be singing "Think of me" One day and Be a pure Alto the next, it's the worst.

Deleted user

I just found this. Yall sound amazing! I'm jealous. I cannot sing to save my life.

@saor_illust school

honestly you probably don't look gross, but about the full name thing,,, if you feel comfortable you can, but otherwise don't
(and don't let your so called "gross appearance" interfere with your decision, i'm sure you look great!)