forum Show Off Your Singing Voices!
Started by Deleted user

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aH your voice is so pretty! I usually don't listen to "higher pitched"(?) songs, but I really enjoyed your singing. Especially the second song.


can i have some constructive criticism on this? i want to get better at singing
hopefully it works

This is really really good! Also I’m in no way an expert so like,,, yeah
The first thing I’d say is that the switches between the normal and high notes is a difficult one to navigate so make sure you don’t stray too far into your head voice if you don’t have to. One thing that helps me with that is when you’re singing high, imagine/act as if you’re singing a low note.
For that part, the really high one, don’t make your vowels too wide. Try really anchoring yourself, loosen your shoulders and don’t tilt your head up. For placement try keeping it mixed as much as you can, what I like to do is try to get the note right behind my front teeth, that usually helps.
I don’t know your vocal type but try leaning into the lower notes of the song when you can and try to keep those lower parts smooth. That said, because of the jumps in low and high, really try visualising the gap between those notes as not too far, or else you’re going to strain your voice. The straight head/loose shoulders/anchored thing helps with that too. An exercise you can try is imagining you’re guiding a paper airplane you’re holding; move your hand high when you’re singing lower and vice versa, and try focusing on the smoothness and easiness of the movement rather than focusing on the singing.
That’s all I’ve got for now lmao sorry it’s a bit long, but your really do have a good voice. Hope it helps! I also have a recording of that great song so I might post it