forum Show Off Your Singing Voices!
Started by Deleted user

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@CasiCasino group

After disappearing for quite a while I’ve returned—
(Apologies if I sound like a dying sparrow)


Here we go—


  • some of those high notes are really fun
  • I can’t belt so I had to use my head voice/mix some parts
  • …is it sad that Jane Seymour is my dream role for six and that one I think sounded the worst?

Deleted user

Also I want to post something but I don’t know what to sing because the best ones are the most emo so

Deleted user

K so I fixed my problem by saying screw it and recording a playlist of the most emo songs I could (mostly) remember, so buckle up y’all I’m sending it shortly.

Deleted user

To begin here is a bit of my choir voice, singing the beginning of my solo so you hear how I normally sing:

Now here is my mediocre Evanescence where I messed up the notes in the beginning and didn’t finish the song:

Now be shocked by My Chemical Romance (the following song contains foul language and unsettling themes):

And Fall Out Boy EDIT: which is apparently pitch perfect:

Now partly back to how I’m used to with Panic! At The Disco, but you can def hear some emotion in my voice oops:

Now for a song with minimal singing by The Killers:

And some More Panic! At The Disco (language warning):

And some Green Day to top it all off(I censored this one):

And finally, a slightly less emo song, I’m concluding with the lovely Twenty One Pilots:

So, what did y’all think?

Deleted user

(Link sharing is on for all of them… I’m not good with this kind of thing..)