forum Short Story Writing Competition #1
Started by @LittleBear group

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@LittleBear Hey, I've been super busy all day today, and I'm going to be at a horse show tomorrow. I'm really sorry about the inconvenience, but unless you're willing to wait until Monday, I think I'll have to bow out as a judge.
Sorry again, I really thought I could do it :(

@LittleBear group

@Hollydraws, that's okay don't worry about it! And good luck! But I made a promise that the results would be out tonight and I really want to keep it. There will be another one!


@LeafyLemur @DarkWolf Thank-you guys! That means a lot! :D
@LittleBear Thanks for understanding, and thanks for wishing me luck! I totally support you committing to your promise, so good for you! :) I'm sure you guys will find the best story there!
And for everybody else: Good luck! I did read a couple of the stories, and I really liked what I saw! I think you all have great promise as writers!


I don't wanna be pushy of you judges, but I'm just wondering when you think you'll be done? I'll probably go to sleep at like 12:30 if you don't know when. :P Don't hurry up for me tho please, I can see the results tomorrow. :)

@LittleBear group

Drumroll please! The results are:

  1. @writelikeyourerunningoutoftime
  2. @ReiniDays
  3. @Masterkey

We loved all of your entries, thank you guys so much for competing and letting us take a peek into your worlds!

Deleted user

Thanks, guys! There were some really great entries! I loved seeing everybody's unique writing styles!!!