forum Short Story Writing Competition #1
Started by @LittleBear group

people_alt 7 followers

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Good luck, guys! Can't wait to see what you all write!


Quick question, finding the letter doesn't have to be the VERY beginning of the short story, right? Can it happen at any time, as long as it's the focus of the story?


After whiffling about it for a day or so, I decided I'm tossing my hat in so I can see how I measure up to who I personally think is one of the best writers on this site, @writelikeyourerunningoutoftime

Awww thank you!! You're an amazing writer and I can't wait to read whatever you write!


When this is over, there's another competition that's starting and the person who started it would like to know if more people would like to join before they make a deadline, if any of you are interested. :)

Deleted user

Yeah, that person is me! I didn't know you were in this contest, Masterkey, but yeah! If you guys wanna join, it's also in general chat. I'm just waiting to gather more folks.

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Shoot, looks like I gotta crank something out by tuesday lol. Good look to all of the competitors, by the way!

@LittleBear group

Hey, y'all! I have literally six different projects/papers/tests this week, so I will not be as active until the results deadline and will only be checking around 10 PM Eastern for questions. But! I am so exited to read what y'all have!


Sheesh, no one posted yet and already competition is getting stiff lol. I need to stop procrastinating. I made my coffee so let's go!