forum Short Story Writing Competition #1
Started by @LittleBear group

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@LittleBear group

Hey Y'all!

This competition is now in process and the competitor's list is now closed.


  1. @writelikeyourerunningoutoftime X
  2. @ReiniDays X
  3. @AmmyPajammy X
  4. @Jensen-rs X
  5. @DemonicPrincess X
  6. @DarkWolf
  7. @Masterkey X


  1. @LittleBear
  2. @Hollydraws
  3. @Reblod
  4. @LeafyLemur

Word Count: 400-1000 words (If you go slightly over I won't hold it against you)

  • Deadline: Tuesday @ Midnight Central Time. 0000 25 APR 2018
  • Results Ready By: Friday @ Midnight Central Time. 0000 28 APR 2018
  • Prompt: Your character finds a letter addressed to them. What is in it is up to you: a will, instructions for a scavenger hunt, a love letter, a gift certificate for a puppy, a finger…. the options are endless.

Posting Guidelines:

  • Please copy and paste your work directly onto this thread, not via google docs (they have sneaky clauses in their terms and conditions that let them own a small portion of your work.)
  • Use proper punctuation and grammar to the best of your ability.
  • Use literature format, not script etc.


  • You get to meet new people!
  • The gratification of having others see and read your work!
  • Kudos and bragging rights.

My Personal Rubric (This is what I will be judging on, not necessarily anyone who helps judge)

  • Proper punctuation and grammar to the best of your ability.
  • Originality
  • Dialogue

I look forward to reading what everyone has to share :)


This sounds fun! I failed the last writing comp I tried to enter, but this prompt really stuck out to me. I think I'll join. (also, I'll get around to critiquing the latest thing you posted hopefully soon, this weekend is a bit hectic).

Deleted user

I'll join! The prompt sounds great. Can't wait for more people to enter! You should track down Reasonably Random and see if they want to join.

Deleted user

I'll join (as a writer, not a judge)! This sounds fun!

Deleted user

A writer, if that's okay? I'm already trying to judge my own competition lol

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Yeah… sorry for the delayed results. I thought I was going to have more judges but people keep bailing on me. I could release what I've judged but I don't know if it's fair without a second opinion.

Deleted user

I appreciate the offer, but I don't think it would be fair to have somebody who participated in the competition to judge.


After whiffling about it for a day or so, I decided I'm tossing my hat in so I can see how I measure up to who I personally think is one of the best writers on this site, @writelikeyourerunningoutoftime


I'll join! What's the official deadline now?

Also, when I looked it up, it looks like Google only retains the right to uphold their Terms of Service. They don't own anything that is your intellectual property.!topic/docs/zjhIs_4z_EI

If they were to try that, it would obviously be illegal. A similar site that tried to steal content was shut down. I think there's nothing to worry about on that front. And if they DO try to publish it, well, I'm sure you'd win the lawsuit. Then you'd be rich and famous and probably get your book some attention. XD

@LittleBear group

Hey y'all! We have our complete list of competitors and judges now! (Although I will be welcoming more judges until the submission deadline, I will not be allowing any more competitors)





  • Deadline: Tuesday @ Midnight. 0000 25 APR 2018
  • Results Ready By: Friday @ Midnight. 0000 28 APR 2018

For ease of scrolling, the first post has the updated deadlines, competitors, and judges list.
Get Ready, Set, Write!

Deleted user

Happy writing everyone! And may the odds be ever in your favor!


Right, and I get how that would be worrisome. That's why I also read through a bunch of forums (those were the other links) of people explaining the wording of their terms of service. Apparently, the language they use in their terms of service is standard legalese used across the board, even by publishing companies (so if you were to go get your book published, you'd read a very similar terms of service from that publishing company). If Google were to word it in any other way, it would arouse even MORE suspicion. The fact that Google is such a HUGE company and hasn't gotten any complaints in that area speaks loudly, plus the fact that companies that changed their terms of service in order to steal content got shut down. Plus, despite whatever sneaky thing they seemed to state earlier, if they also state "In short, what belongs to you stays yours," then that makes it even easier to nail them in a court of law. If they end up doing so, and you find out, you'd definitely win the lawsuit. And you'd also spike probably the worst public outrage imaginable. Google would never risk it. (And I'm speaking specifically about novels. Information on Google Maps about where your company is located, even if you decided to stop using Google Maps, isn't really intellectual property or "yours." It's public information.)

When it says "worldwide license to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works (such as those resulting from translations, adaptations or other changes we make so that your content works better with our Services), communicate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute such content," that's the standard legalese for their license (not the same as owning your intellectual property) to use, host, and store your content on their servers, reproduce your content in order to store it on other servers and other devices (if you get a new computer and/or share it with a friend and they read it on their device), modify to fit their formatting and services, create derivative works to either translate it or adapt it to fit their terms (they're allowed to remove or modify any content that's, say, something like terrorism or anything illegal, but they can only see it once it's public), and the rest is only if you use their services to publish it or communicate it, etc. A "license" to do that for you is different from them actually owning it instead of you. And again, that kind of language is standard for any kind of company, including a publishing company, and if it was stated in a different way people would have more reason to be concerned.

That said, I was only saying all of that to hopefully ease people's concerns, not to demand I be allowed to post a google docs link into the competition. :P Sorry if it seemed like that, I will definitely just paste it as a comment. :)