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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

My brother just finished watching The Legend of Korra and he had to explain who's related to who like 5 times because apparently I'm an old lady and can't tell who's who but the last villain is hot and he can't see why I think so but like
(possible spoilers for y'all who haven't seen it? i dunno)



You know how it's perfectly ok to swallow a small ice cube? Then why does it feel so wrong.

You're brain knows it's ok, but your body doesn't. So basically
your Brain is Sam and your Body is smeagle
Brain: Why don't you just swallow it.
Body: Stupid Brainses, We Can'ts Has Solids, We Must STarve!

@HighPockets group

Me: Swallows fruit snack
Brain: Is this??? okay?? it fits down the Hole, but is it??? safe???
Body: Mmm yes give me m̶̢̲̮̗̩͉̤̹̞̙͚͔̈́̔̔̑͌o̶̗͕̫͂̅́̄ŗ̸͕͉͇̥̳͙̘̤̈́̈́ͅę̵̡̤̠̼͓̭̯̤̝̩͓̩̪̻̏̀̕͘̕͝͝

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I've poured an ungodly amount of frozen cherries into a bowl and eaten them with chopsticks in 5 minutes

Frozen blueberries and bananas are the bomb frozen. (As are pomegranate seeds) plus the bluberries provide a worthy challenge for chopsticks you should try it