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@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Okay so, to anyone whose seen Treasure Planet

I'm looking to do a RP with that kind of theme, and I'm working on the plot, but would anyone be interested?

I love Treasure Planet! Is the Rp a OXO? Cause I noticed someone is already interested but

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Okay so, to anyone whose seen Treasure Planet

I'm looking to do a RP with that kind of theme, and I'm working on the plot, but would anyone be interested?

I don't RP very much, but I can help you world build

that would be nice. If it's okay, I'll dm you with the title?

Sure, go right ahead. I got so much going on because of the disaster known as the two weeks in between Christmas break and Thanksgiving break because I am in college.

Deleted user

Okay so, to anyone whose seen Treasure Planet

I'm looking to do a RP with that kind of theme, and I'm working on the plot, but would anyone be interested?

I love Treasure Planet! Is the Rp a OXO? Cause I noticed someone is already interested but

Winter is gonna help me worldbuild, so I don't have anyone yet. You can totally do it with me once I figure it all out!

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Okay so, to anyone whose seen Treasure Planet

I'm looking to do a RP with that kind of theme, and I'm working on the plot, but would anyone be interested?

I love Treasure Planet! Is the Rp a OXO? Cause I noticed someone is already interested but

Winter is gonna help me worldbuild, so I don't have anyone yet. You can totally do it with me once I figure it all out!

Yay!!!! 😁

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

βœ¨πŸ’…βœ¨ I hit a bear

A gay man or an animal??

An animal but the emojis represent gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss, and then I took out the bear. I mean I hit that sucker hard.

crazy shit

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Ok, when you said you hit a bear I thought you meant you personally hit a bear with your hands. Not that you hit it with your truck

I have done that before too. Perks of living in Alaska and living vaguely lawlessly.



Hey y'all, Notebook got blocked on my school computer so I'm not going to be able to be on it near as much. (I'm at the county library right now) I'll be available (very) occasionally, as well as every other weekend. If you need me, pm me, and I'll try to get to it as soon as possible.

Don't die!! Drink lots of water!

@Serenity88 group


so we went to the tack store, looking for

new boots, mine are shot
and a proper saddle pad for me cause mine is crap

so we got there, found me some shoes!😎
then I found a saddle pad!😎
then I found new spur straps!😎
then I got a t-shirt to support the tack store!😎
the total was like $300-somethingπŸ₯²

im set for like three christmases now🀩

Deleted user

you ever just mentally spiral because of anxiety or something, but your spiraling is about spiraling?

"Look, Kyana's guilt spiraling!"

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Slowly killing myself just so I can live is fun; juggling my retail, dog care, and 2 cleaning jobs! The dog care job isn't bad. I just let them out, sit on my phone for 20-30 minutes, let them back in, give a bit of attention, then go. Retail one is essentially walking laps through the aisles. Then there's the cleaning on, also not too bad, just time consuming. Don't get home until almost 3:30 am!!!!

Deleted user

I usually hate my name so much. Cringe when people use it, cringe when I have to introduce myself with it, when I read it on church buildings or write it on homework, etc. But this guy I think is so fine (for the purpose of this, we're going to call him Laney) was talking to me, because I was with my long-term bestie Charlie (we've been friends since 7th grade, and we're in high school now), and Laney is friends with him. Laney asked my name, I said "Trinity" because that's said name I hate, he said "Like this girl in the Matrix?" At this point, I'm super embarrassed. I tell him "I guess?" and he says "That's fuckin' awesome" and right now, my name is the best thing I've ever heard

@Serenity88 group

I usually hate my name so much. Cringe when people use it, cringe when I have to introduce myself with it, when I read it on church buildings or write it on homework, etc. But this guy I think is so fine (for the purpose of this, we're going to call him Laney) was talking to me, because I was with my long-term bestie Charlie (we've been friends since 7th grade, and we're in high school now), and Laney is friends with him. Laney asked my name, I said "Trinity" because that's said name I hate, he said "Like this girl in the Matrix?" At this point, I'm super embarrassed. I tell him "I guess?" and he says "That's fuckin' awesome" and right now, my name is the best thing I've ever heard

ahhh im so happy for you also your name is BEAUTIFUL and UNIQUE and it better than mineπŸ˜