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@CaseyJ group

SOoo.. I got this message from my boyfriend…and I may or may not be like worried.

"Babe, I'm going to be honest, this shit is getting to be too much. I can't just keep hiding this from you. I'll give it until college, but if my parents, or at least my mother, aren't dead by then. I'm doing what I've stopped myself from doing so many times in the past, all because I felt like I needed to live for those who needed me then. Well, now those people have grown up. My mother's never going to stop following me, not until the day she dies, and I just can't take it anymore."

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Monday check ins, how is everyone feeling and/or doing and what’s the vibe for the week?

I took care of myself this morning! haven't don't that in like three days. I put on some acne cream, showered, took care of my hair, put some nice orange essential oils on so I don't smell like armpit, good stuff like that. but I wouldn't have done that if I didn't think I might have to got be around people

Nice nice!

@Serenity88 group

SOoo.. I got this message from my boyfriend…and I may or may not be like worried.

"Babe, I'm going to be honest, this shit is getting to be too much. I can't just keep hiding this from you. I'll give it until college, but if my parents, or at least my mother, aren't dead by then. I'm doing what I've stopped myself from doing so many times in the past, all because I felt like I needed to live for those who needed me then. Well, now those people have grown up. My mother's never going to stop following me, not until the day she dies, and I just can't take it anymore."

what will you do? has he said anything else? yo idek ur boi but im worried

@Serenity88 group

there aint nothin' to do
its below freezing outside
pinterest and YouTube are only so amazing after two years of only every day all day exposure
my only two video games are either simple or making me mad
im living in a loop of the same week for two years
I cant talk to my bestest friend, cant even see him except for every two months cause our moms have conflicting schedules
most ppl on NB rn arent online

@CaseyJ group

SOoo.. I got this message from my boyfriend…and I may or may not be like worried.

"Babe, I'm going to be honest, this shit is getting to be too much. I can't just keep hiding this from you. I'll give it until college, but if my parents, or at least my mother, aren't dead by then. I'm doing what I've stopped myself from doing so many times in the past, all because I felt like I needed to live for those who needed me then. Well, now those people have grown up. My mother's never going to stop following me, not until the day she dies, and I just can't take it anymore."

what will you do? has he said anything else? yo idek ur boi but im worried

I told him that if he needed anyone to talk to that I am always here and that I understand. He said thank you.


I hate none of my friends living in the same state as me because I want to go to a music festival for one day next month (tickets are like $160 for the day) but I have no one to go with