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@Phrog-King terrain

I usually hate my name so much. Cringe when people use it, cringe when I have to introduce myself with it, when I read it on church buildings or write it on homework, etc. But this guy I think is so fine (for the purpose of this, we're going to call him Laney) was talking to me, because I was with my long-term bestie Charlie (we've been friends since 7th grade, and we're in high school now), and Laney is friends with him. Laney asked my name, I said "Trinity" because that's said name I hate, he said "Like this girl in the Matrix?" At this point, I'm super embarrassed. I tell him "I guess?" and he says "That's fuckin' awesome" and right now, my name is the best thing I've ever heard

ahhh im so happy for you also your name is BEAUTIFUL and UNIQUE and it better than mine😅

Ahhh thank you! I used to hate it when we lived in an area where every church in a 5-mile radius (and there were a lot) had "Trinity" somewhere on it. Most people think it's religious. It's not, it's because I was my mom's 3rd born child. and your name is great stfu

@Serenity88 group

I usually hate my name so much. Cringe when people use it, cringe when I have to introduce myself with it, when I read it on church buildings or write it on homework, etc. But this guy I think is so fine (for the purpose of this, we're going to call him Laney) was talking to me, because I was with my long-term bestie Charlie (we've been friends since 7th grade, and we're in high school now), and Laney is friends with him. Laney asked my name, I said "Trinity" because that's said name I hate, he said "Like this girl in the Matrix?" At this point, I'm super embarrassed. I tell him "I guess?" and he says "That's fuckin' awesome" and right now, my name is the best thing I've ever heard

ahhh im so happy for you also your name is BEAUTIFUL and UNIQUE and it better than mine😅

Ahhh thank you! I used to hate it when we lived in an area where every church in a 5-mile radius (and there were a lot) had "Trinity" somewhere on it. Most people think it's religious. It's not, it's because I was my mom's 3rd born child. and your name is great stfu

…its really not. I mean my real name, not my username.

@CaseyJ group

Today I turned 18! YAY!

I also had a breakdown because I didn't think I would make it this far. Depression and all that jazz. I cried because I am relieved I made it this far, but also, terrified for the future.

@Serenity88 group

Today I turned 18! YAY!

I also had a breakdown because I didn't think I would make it this far. Depression and all that jazz. I cried because I am relieved I made it this far, but also, terrified for the future.

congrats buddy!! I generally doubt imma make it that far bc reasons, but im glad you've come so far and I hope that future works itself out for you.

@CaseyJ group

Today I turned 18! YAY!

I also had a breakdown because I didn't think I would make it this far. Depression and all that jazz. I cried because I am relieved I made it this far, but also, terrified for the future.

congrats buddy!! I generally doubt imma make it that far bc reasons, but im glad you've come so far and I hope that future works itself out for you.

Thank you, I hope you make it this far.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Been trying to find clean edits of Chonny Jash songs for the past couple hours (so I can torture my family with them with slightly less lecturing) and honestly I thought it was going to be easier. BOY was I wrong. Guess this fandom isn’t quite large enough to have a plethora of clean edits.
Also, if anyone’s willing to help me find clean versions of the songs “Just Apathy” and “Storm and a spring” I would be elated- but don’t sacrifice your sanity as I have.

@Serenity88 group

Things that I've accidentally got on my books/books I've borrowed include water, pop, and chocolate.

One time I found an entire sheet of pizza cheese in my library book.

I found mostly emotions the delicious smell of old paper in my library books 😋

@Phrog-King terrain

Y'all, two things, same dude from last time.

Me, Laney(the dude) and two of our mutuals were talking the other day, Laney looked at me, "Wait." so we all stopped to see what was up. He leans closer to me (dude's like 6'3 I'm 5'6) and says "Her chin looks like a squish mallow" I freak and cover my face with my arm, I say "Nooo stahhp" just the way I typed it. We have to go to class so we dap up our friends who go the other way and we're walking to our next classes. He says "lemme just- I just have to know" and he squishes my face and I'm dying at this point. Go to class internally panicking.

Next situation.

Today I saw him before class (same one from last time. We're in the same building) and he said "Hey Pookie Bear" and I know he was joking but I had half a heart attack. I say "Fucking what?" he says "Huh?" that was the end of the interaction.

@Serenity88 group

thats freakin adorable
my tall boi trees to boop my nose and the one time he had something in one hand and I trapped the other he said 'well I can just just boop ur nose with mine'. and I died a little cause our MOMS were right there and yk how that would look…
im making bread

@Serenity88 group

im making bread!!
it has a nice rough exoskeleton, and its roundish in shape. I did it without my mom's help, all by meself!! my sister ate a lil chunk of the raw dough🙄 she said it was yuck. im making garlic bread with it once the hibernation is complete!
will update!


im making bread!!
it has a nice rough exoskeleton, and its roundish in shape. I did it without my mom's help, all by meself!! my sister ate a lil chunk of the raw dough🙄 she said it was yuck. im making garlic bread with it once the hibernation is complete!
will update!

Please do! I love hearing about cooking keep up the good work!

@Serenity88 group

im making bread!!
it has a nice rough exoskeleton, and its roundish in shape. I did it without my mom's help, all by meself!! my sister ate a lil chunk of the raw dough🙄 she said it was yuck. im making garlic bread with it once the hibernation is complete!
will update!

so I decided the exoskeleton had baked long enough, its gonna be very tough😅. the bottom is gonna be doughy, but I love doughy. the recipe is for 'rustic crusty bread', so like the kind you eat with soup– soft and airy inside, thick and hard shell. so now its sitting on the stovetop to cool, upside-down cause I was poking the bottom with a skewer to test the texture.
up next: Taste Test and Such!

@Serenity88 group

last update: Taste Test & such

so it was supposed to be light and full of holes on the inside, but I guess I messed with it too much trying to get it into the shape I wanted; it is dense and doughy. But Idc, I love it! dense & doughy is good with me.
I put too much flour on the outside, so it didnt brown or golden, it stayed deceptively pale. it also has a floury flavor bc of that, so the crust isnt so great.
but HEY, I made a bread!! im gonna do this more often, its so fun in a silly way. and its easy as hell! later I will make a Better Bread, one that turns out the way I want it to.😎