forum RP Pet Peeves
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

here are some of the things she did in the rp we were in
"name-jessica moon
looks-long washed out blonde hair
ability-she is an elemental werewolf fire, ice water,earth ,she can create forcefields and has super agility"

Deleted user

OMG Are you talking about she who shall not be named?

Deleted user

"she loved violence and walked right up on them not stopping them just aiting for somone to get hauled away to the hospital she hoped it would be connor"

Deleted user

"ugh she sreamned she wanted to see blood she went to the wal punching it leaving a dent"

@Moxie group

"she loved violence and walked right up on them not stopping them just aiting for somone to get hauled away to the hospital she hoped it would be connor"

what does that even mean??

Deleted user

here are some of the things she did in the rp we were in
"name-jessica moon
looks-long washed out blonde hair
ability-she is an elemental werewolf fire, ice water,earth ,she can create forcefields and has super agility"

"so she leaned on hs desk what did you do cause uh ican read his thoughts and ummlieings not gonna help"
flashback: she is an elemental werewolf fire, ice water,earth ,she can create forcefields and has super agility
add mind reading now i guess

Deleted user

oh boy this is one of the worst. and she's talking to my character. i use samine samudrala for almost everything, this was back when they were genderfluid, not agender. and i'm assuming that she actually means what she said, since this character was pretty nice most of the time

Deleted user

here are some of the things she did in the rp we were in
"name-jessica moon
looks-long washed out blonde hair
ability-she is an elemental werewolf fire, ice water,earth ,she can create forcefields and has super agility"

"so she leaned on hs desk what did you do cause uh ican read his thoughts and ummlieings not gonna help"
flashback: she is an elemental werewolf fire, ice water,earth ,she can create forcefields and has super agility
add mind reading now i guess

"she sighed and punched her desk breaking it"
so… the elements, turning into a werewolf, ice (it doesn't really count as an element), forcefields, mind reading, super agility, and super strength now? What the fuck?

Deleted user

oh no wait here's the best/worst part

well i have no one imma go kill myself now starts headin to the door

"Sarcasm." Connor explained. He morphed into his familiar form completely, and took one many-eyed glance back, his concealed gun, in thigh holster, unlike the rest of his clothes, was intact.
He chewed it off, and took the gun in his jaws.

she smiled and gave him a thubs up do you have a knife

"Haha, very funny," Sam said sarcastically. "Just don't sever any major blood vessels, but you're incompetent enough to even do that," (sam's personality is that they are a bit of a dick, so yeah, sorry if this is triggering)

im dead sserious her eyes going dark purple showimg she wasnt kidding

"Don't you have medications if you're depressed? Or… something?" Sam asked, now concerned.

oh please everyone hates me no one would care if im dead

(screw it i'm just going to copy and paste)

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Dfa85113f6dfbe233b6b83368c3a9e0d?s=128&d=mm@Demiphoenix1125 Mar 04
Sam frowned. "That's what you really think?! People would care if you were dead. Don't kid yourself otherwise. Look. You have good grades, cool powers, and aren't a freak- well, as little of a freak as one could possibly be; and the boys are throwing themselves at your feet, possibly also Connor. He seems to have taken a liking to you," They swallowed back an iron tang of jealousy. "So why would you want to kill yourself?"

A1bcb4062543a4f8cf4c55e7c8cf97ef?s=128&d=mmshurikenwolfbadass_13 Mar 04
Now is the time to introduce the character, who is separate from Connor, but also technically the same thing, his familiar.
Character: Gnaw
Looks: A large wolf, mostly silver, with red on the top of his muzzle, behind his ears, and in a cool but natural looking pattern running down from his neck to his tail, and black on tyhe tips of his ears and on the tip of his tail, he also has white around his jowls, and on his underside. He has an unnaturally long, thick, deadly muzzle full of teeth like razors and needles. He can have any number of eyes, depending on his mood. Along with that, he's got long, hooklike claws, which he can extend or retract. He has blue, humanlike eyes, exactly like Connor's.
Personality: Like Connor's, but much more prominent.
Powers: As I said, but I'll explain them in detail.
-Supernatural strength rivalling that of a dragon. He once caught a speeding Jeep by the fender, and held it there, while at a leverage/momentum disadvantage.
-Supernatural speed, rivaling that of a hydra, once caught several bullets with his mouth.
-Supernatural Durability: Nearly bulletproof, survived getting hit by a bullettrain with a few gashes only.
Pyrokinesis: Can create fire, destroy fire, control the temperature, density, volatility, and direction of fire, heat resistance, can cause little explosions with maximum precision.
Supernatural Ingestion: Can devour a hasllway full of armed men in moments.

Should I power Gnaw down?

32f925021341ba0d76297cebc690e352?s=128&d=mmjessica moon Mar 04
she rolls her eyes connor wouldnt care if i was dead you definitely wwouldnt care i dueling kiera so who really cares think about it

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Dfa85113f6dfbe233b6b83368c3a9e0d?s=128&d=mm@Demiphoenix1125 Mar 04
(I swear that I didn't know you had a familiar before I made my character, sorry! So if I could turn into Gnaw if I touch it, then I might win, or tie; while if I didn't, I'd lose. What should it be? Or can I only keep one familiar in my 'shifting inventory' at a time, considering there are more people who has that power? )

32f925021341ba0d76297cebc690e352?s=128&d=mmjessica moon Mar 04
so i dont see a reason to live

A1bcb4062543a4f8cf4c55e7c8cf97ef?s=128&d=mmshurikenwolfbadass_13 Mar 04
Just then, the wolf spoke, it was Connor's voice, but it wasn't human either.
"Show some grit." He said encouragingly, "you can make it, this isn't the way."

A1bcb4062543a4f8cf4c55e7c8cf97ef?s=128&d=mmshurikenwolfbadass_13 Mar 04
(Well, it's weird, because Gnaw doesn't have any DNA or anything to distinguish himself from Connor. He basically is Connor. So it's a conundrum.)

32f925021341ba0d76297cebc690e352?s=128&d=mmjessica moon Mar 04
shr looked around what the cluck

A1bcb4062543a4f8cf4c55e7c8cf97ef?s=128&d=mmshurikenwolfbadass_13 Mar 04
(You'll most likely turn into a hybrid of the two, unless you have to rely on DNA to transform. Then it's a no-brainer because again, Gnaw has no DNA, he's like an inanimate object with intelligence and will, but he does have innards like a living thing.)

32f925021341ba0d76297cebc690e352?s=128&d=mmjessica moon Mar 04
NO i dont okay the only person who cared for me was killed now im bullied abused or worse

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Dfa85113f6dfbe233b6b83368c3a9e0d?s=128&d=mm@Demiphoenix1125 Mar 04
(Sam relies on matter. Living matter. Not exactly DNA, more of reading their brain patterns and copying them, then adding their DNA. So it's both reading brain patterns [not thoughts] and copying DNA)

32f925021341ba0d76297cebc690e352?s=128&d=mmjessica moon Mar 04
so no no one cares

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Dfa85113f6dfbe233b6b83368c3a9e0d?s=128&d=mm@Demiphoenix1125 Mar 04
"Or worse?" Sam questioned, eyes wide. A surge of anger ran through them, and they blurted their next words out without thinking. "Stay in our dorm," (How about there are students who either go in dorms or go home at the end of the day, and you can choose? That would explain how Jess is getting abused by her caretaker)

A1bcb4062543a4f8cf4c55e7c8cf97ef?s=128&d=mmshurikenwolfbadass_13 Mar 04
(That's weird, Gnaw is semi-organic, he has bones, a brain, and blood, but it's all synthesized by Connor's subconscious, and his mental processes are linked with Connor's, they practically are always engaged in telepathic conversation )

32f925021341ba0d76297cebc690e352?s=128&d=mmjessica moon Mar 04
excuse me she said not hereing him clearly

A1bcb4062543a4f8cf4c55e7c8cf97ef?s=128&d=mmshurikenwolfbadass_13 Mar 04
(I was thinking that too. Connor's an orphan anyway as well.)

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Dfa85113f6dfbe233b6b83368c3a9e0d?s=128&d=mm@Demiphoenix1125 Mar 04
Sam blushed fiercely. "Stay in our dorms," they mumbled. Gathering their courage, they spoke louder. "If your caretakers are that sh*tty, then why don't you stay with us? I mean, Connor snores, and I turn into a cat in my sleep, but…" What the hell are you doing, Sam? they thought. You're inviting the one girl that Connor probably likes into our dorm? Well, there goes any chance of winning him over… But then they remembered the look on Jessica's face when she talked about being abused, and she made up her mind. "We'd be glad to have you. Just… don't look at me when I'm changing. I hate that,"

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Dfa85113f6dfbe233b6b83368c3a9e0d?s=128&d=mm@Demiphoenix1125 Mar 04
(So… if Sam tries to turn into Connor, they become a freaking furry? But with only enhanced senses or with only pyrokinesis)

A1bcb4062543a4f8cf4c55e7c8cf97ef?s=128&d=mmshurikenwolfbadass_13 Mar 04
Probably a nulled version of Gnaw's powers. Like Connor, when he pulls his hybrid form, basically a combo of himself and Gnaw, but it'll be Sam and Gnaw.

Deleted user

"oh yay the days almost over yippeeshe slams her head on her desk repeadlty"

Deleted user

oh no wait here's the best/worst part

well i have no one imma go kill myself now starts headin to the door

"Sarcasm." Connor explained. He morphed into his familiar form completely, and took one many-eyed glance back, his concealed gun, in thigh holster, unlike the rest of his clothes, was intact.
He chewed it off, and took the gun in his jaws.

she smiled and gave him a thubs up do you have a knife

"Haha, very funny," Sam said sarcastically. "Just don't sever any major blood vessels, but you're incompetent enough to even do that," (sam's personality is that they are a bit of a dick, so yeah, sorry if this is triggering)

im dead sserious her eyes going dark purple showimg she wasnt kidding

"Don't you have medications if you're depressed? Or… something?" Sam asked, now concerned.

oh please everyone hates me no one would care if im dead

(screw it i'm just going to copy and paste)

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Dfa85113f6dfbe233b6b83368c3a9e0d?s=128&d=mm@Demiphoenix1125 Mar 04
Sam frowned. "That's what you really think?! People would care if you were dead. Don't kid yourself otherwise. Look. You have good grades, cool powers, and aren't a freak- well, as little of a freak as one could possibly be; and the boys are throwing themselves at your feet, possibly also Connor. He seems to have taken a liking to you," They swallowed back an iron tang of jealousy. "So why would you want to kill yourself?"

A1bcb4062543a4f8cf4c55e7c8cf97ef?s=128&d=mmshurikenwolfbadass_13 Mar 04
Now is the time to introduce the character, who is separate from Connor, but also technically the same thing, his familiar.
Character: Gnaw
Looks: A large wolf, mostly silver, with red on the top of his muzzle, behind his ears, and in a cool but natural looking pattern running down from his neck to his tail, and black on tyhe tips of his ears and on the tip of his tail, he also has white around his jowls, and on his underside. He has an unnaturally long, thick, deadly muzzle full of teeth like razors and needles. He can have any number of eyes, depending on his mood. Along with that, he's got long, hooklike claws, which he can extend or retract. He has blue, humanlike eyes, exactly like Connor's.
Personality: Like Connor's, but much more prominent.
Powers: As I said, but I'll explain them in detail.
-Supernatural strength rivalling that of a dragon. He once caught a speeding Jeep by the fender, and held it there, while at a leverage/momentum disadvantage.
-Supernatural speed, rivaling that of a hydra, once caught several bullets with his mouth.
-Supernatural Durability: Nearly bulletproof, survived getting hit by a bullettrain with a few gashes only.
Pyrokinesis: Can create fire, destroy fire, control the temperature, density, volatility, and direction of fire, heat resistance, can cause little explosions with maximum precision.
Supernatural Ingestion: Can devour a hasllway full of armed men in moments.

Should I power Gnaw down?

32f925021341ba0d76297cebc690e352?s=128&d=mmjessica moon Mar 04
she rolls her eyes connor wouldnt care if i was dead you definitely wwouldnt care i dueling kiera so who really cares think about it

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Dfa85113f6dfbe233b6b83368c3a9e0d?s=128&d=mm@Demiphoenix1125 Mar 04
(I swear that I didn't know you had a familiar before I made my character, sorry! So if I could turn into Gnaw if I touch it, then I might win, or tie; while if I didn't, I'd lose. What should it be? Or can I only keep one familiar in my 'shifting inventory' at a time, considering there are more people who has that power? )

32f925021341ba0d76297cebc690e352?s=128&d=mmjessica moon Mar 04
so i dont see a reason to live

A1bcb4062543a4f8cf4c55e7c8cf97ef?s=128&d=mmshurikenwolfbadass_13 Mar 04
Just then, the wolf spoke, it was Connor's voice, but it wasn't human either.
"Show some grit." He said encouragingly, "you can make it, this isn't the way."

A1bcb4062543a4f8cf4c55e7c8cf97ef?s=128&d=mmshurikenwolfbadass_13 Mar 04
(Well, it's weird, because Gnaw doesn't have any DNA or anything to distinguish himself from Connor. He basically is Connor. So it's a conundrum.)

32f925021341ba0d76297cebc690e352?s=128&d=mmjessica moon Mar 04
shr looked around what the cluck

A1bcb4062543a4f8cf4c55e7c8cf97ef?s=128&d=mmshurikenwolfbadass_13 Mar 04
(You'll most likely turn into a hybrid of the two, unless you have to rely on DNA to transform. Then it's a no-brainer because again, Gnaw has no DNA, he's like an inanimate object with intelligence and will, but he does have innards like a living thing.)

32f925021341ba0d76297cebc690e352?s=128&d=mmjessica moon Mar 04
NO i dont okay the only person who cared for me was killed now im bullied abused or worse

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Dfa85113f6dfbe233b6b83368c3a9e0d?s=128&d=mm@Demiphoenix1125 Mar 04
(Sam relies on matter. Living matter. Not exactly DNA, more of reading their brain patterns and copying them, then adding their DNA. So it's both reading brain patterns [not thoughts] and copying DNA)

32f925021341ba0d76297cebc690e352?s=128&d=mmjessica moon Mar 04
so no no one cares

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Dfa85113f6dfbe233b6b83368c3a9e0d?s=128&d=mm@Demiphoenix1125 Mar 04
"Or worse?" Sam questioned, eyes wide. A surge of anger ran through them, and they blurted their next words out without thinking. "Stay in our dorm," (How about there are students who either go in dorms or go home at the end of the day, and you can choose? That would explain how Jess is getting abused by her caretaker)

A1bcb4062543a4f8cf4c55e7c8cf97ef?s=128&d=mmshurikenwolfbadass_13 Mar 04
(That's weird, Gnaw is semi-organic, he has bones, a brain, and blood, but it's all synthesized by Connor's subconscious, and his mental processes are linked with Connor's, they practically are always engaged in telepathic conversation )

32f925021341ba0d76297cebc690e352?s=128&d=mmjessica moon Mar 04
excuse me she said not hereing him clearly

A1bcb4062543a4f8cf4c55e7c8cf97ef?s=128&d=mmshurikenwolfbadass_13 Mar 04
(I was thinking that too. Connor's an orphan anyway as well.)

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Dfa85113f6dfbe233b6b83368c3a9e0d?s=128&d=mm@Demiphoenix1125 Mar 04
Sam blushed fiercely. "Stay in our dorms," they mumbled. Gathering their courage, they spoke louder. "If your caretakers are that sh*tty, then why don't you stay with us? I mean, Connor snores, and I turn into a cat in my sleep, but…" What the hell are you doing, Sam? they thought. You're inviting the one girl that Connor probably likes into our dorm? Well, there goes any chance of winning him over… But then they remembered the look on Jessica's face when she talked about being abused, and she made up her mind. "We'd be glad to have you. Just… don't look at me when I'm changing. I hate that,"

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Dfa85113f6dfbe233b6b83368c3a9e0d?s=128&d=mm@Demiphoenix1125 Mar 04
(So… if Sam tries to turn into Connor, they become a freaking furry? But with only enhanced senses or with only pyrokinesis)

A1bcb4062543a4f8cf4c55e7c8cf97ef?s=128&d=mmshurikenwolfbadass_13 Mar 04
Probably a nulled version of Gnaw's powers. Like Connor, when he pulls his hybrid form, basically a combo of himself and Gnaw, but it'll be Sam and Gnaw.

(she shouldn't just use suicide to get attention everytime the rp doesn't focus on her. sure, you can use suicide for character development or to show how sad it is in real life, but not to make your character more "likeable")


Does anyone else run into a RPer whose character is a certain profession, but seems to be an expert in a different field and keeps dropping sentences that make them sound a bit pretentious?