forum RP Pet Peeves
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 9 followers

@Becfromthedead group

People being overly dramatic and their character demanding attention, not just once, but constantly, and it keeps the plot from moving forwards.


people who take over the RP with a huge plot point and never explain it
People who make obscure references and get annoyed when you don't get it
People who make OP characters and won't change them
People who argue with the creator of the RP/try to break the rules
People who only write one line of dialogue as a reply
People who switch tenses in the middle of a paragraph

Deleted user

People who play an important role to the plot, but drop out halfway.

@Becfromthedead group

Two characters having a one-on-one conversation when a third person makes it known that they're on, and there's no effort put into having the other person join in. (Also probably guilty of that, but you know…)


People who try to join in the middle of an RP when there is no room for any more characters.
People who make half-assed characters and never go back to flesh them out enough for the RP.
People who go against the very plot and point of the RP cough Abigail cough.
People who take control of other characters after they've been warned not to.


Starting a RP chat and someone asks to join, and they never put up their character, and so then you go along and start the RP with the others, and then they pop up and demand that their character is involved.

Deleted user

She Who Must Not Be Named!!!
-cough-cough- Her name starts with an A and end with an L.

Deleted user

And they're like "I can just slipppp in right theeerrreee. No biggie right!? :D"

And then they proceed to summon a unicorn
( -_-).- Nah bruh.

Deleted user

She Who Must Not Be Named!!!
-cough-cough- Her name starts with an A and end with an L.

Who now?

Deleted user

Be happy you dont know

But I want to know, YOLO! You only live once.

Deleted user


No you dont

Its scarring

I already have plenty of scars, what's a few more?

Deleted user

She Who Must Not Be Named!!!
-cough-cough- Her name starts with an A and end with an L.

Wait, I know about the legendary Abigail, but what's her username, anyway? Just curious