forum RP Pet Peeves
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

I dont want to be mean but she was


What did she do?

Deleted user

I’m going to not say because I don’t want to be mean

Well, don't say then. I get the picture.


I dont want to be mean but she was


What did she do?

I don't care

She was just an awful RPer with Mary Sue characters and OPs and wasn't respectful. She wanted it her way or she'd insult you. And she never got back until she saw the opportunity to do something extreme that made her the center of attention. She'd also ship without permission.
On one of the RPs I was part of, we were a group of sirens and mermaids that were attacking humans for polluting our ocean. Her character, however, was a siren who used her voice for good, like she'd lure sailors to safety instead of normal siren behavior. So she tried to stop everyone from attacking the sailors.

Anywho there are more stories others could tell you.


When people rp'ing as child characters lisp or babble even though they're 5, 6, or even 12. And they don't even do it right: "Mwomy, me wantsh swum cwake…"


She was not obeying the rules of rp, she made mary-sues and argued with creators, she went against plots and points of the rp like making a siren try to save sailors and a zombie try to create a freaking zombie peace community like no that's the opposite of the entire point of the rp.

I honestly don't care if I sound mean, I was at my wit's end with her and I'm glad she's gone.

Deleted user

I dont want to be mean but she was


What did she do?

I don't care

She was just an awful RPer with Mary Sue characters and OPs and wasn't respectful. She wanted it her way or she'd insult you. And she never got back until she saw the opportunity to do something extreme that made her the center of attention. She'd also ship without permission.
On one of the RPs I was part of, we were a group of sirens and mermaids that were attacking humans for polluting our ocean. Her character, however, was a siren who used her voice for good, like she'd lure sailors to safety instead of normal siren behavior. So she tried to stop everyone from attacking the sailors.

Anywho there are more stories others could tell you.

Go ahead. I'm listening.


Okay so I wasn't a part of it but my sister was

There was a RP about a plague that had broke out that turned people who caught it into, essentially, zombies.
So her character was a character who had caught the sickness and was at a stage 6 (Almost complete zombie). But she was still acting normal. So they talked to her about it and it ended up that she was a vegan zombie. She also thought zombies could have jobs and hobbies and normal lives. Which is baloney. A zombie is a zombie. So someone typed up and entire essay about zombie representation and behavior. And she was pissy but changed her character. Her new one was a doctor who would eventually find the "Cure" for the disease, thus allowing her to bring her original character back.


Okay I wasn't in this one either but yet again, my sis was

So it's a pirate RP. They have the crew all settled with roles and everything. And in waltzes Abigail with a character who is a medic (even though they already had at least one). She was also almost completely cyborg but "still human". And she hated everyone. But she also flirted with them.
So they were in the kitchen arguing I believe, and suddenly her character pulled out a nuke. A fricking nuke. Out of nowhere. Everyone told her she couldn't possibly have a nuke on hand with her but she wouldn't listne. they finally talked her out of it but she was still a pain and insulted everyone.

Deleted user

Okay just saying the nuke one just disturbs me because of all the recent things with bombings and shootings, nobody should do something like that. You can't take things like that lightly.


Okay so reading that I feel less bad about saying this

There was a wonderland rp i was in where she came in and created an all powerful witch lady. In WONDERLAND. I was annoyed, but i dint say anything. Then, we started the rp and her character teleported and came up with all the plans and then she went off and did her own thang and got annoyed when we furthered the plot without her.

Deleted user

I hate it when a person tries to enter into an RP that specifacally says it's closed and is already very far in. If it says open, that's cool, but if it says closed then… shudder

Deleted user

Okay so reading that I feel less bad about saying this

There was a wonderland rp i was in where she came in and created an all powerful witch lady. In WONDERLAND. I was annoyed, but i dint say anything. Then, we started the rp and her character teleported and came up with all the plans and then she went off and did her own thang and got annoyed when we furthered the plot without her.

Wonderland is not for people like them.