forum RP Pet Peeves
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 9 followers


Yeah, I was at a job interview.
First, another thing about her cyborg character, is that after the whole nuke thing, she asked to create a second character to balance Cyborg out. His name was Silver. Stereotypical Nice Guy. Anyway, she used him to try and paint Cyborg as a nice character who was just a poor 'depressed nerd'.
So for HP. I started my first RP. It was a HP one. We had been going along for a bit, it was closed, and she waltzes in and asks to join, saying if we say no, she'd keep spamming 'politely'. I caved and asked the others what they thought. They agreed we needed a gryffindor. So she pulls up this character who's the spittin' image of Ginny, has a fire tattoo on her arm (Someone already had one!), and was practically Tonks personality wise. She was also an animagus (A freakin' phoenix), her patronus was a phoenix, and she was a metamorphus (while tonks was alive)!
The second RP we both happened to be in, we were doing it inbetween Marauders and HP times, and she was Tonks under a different name. No differences other then name.

Deleted user

Want me to tell you about a couple of HP RPs she was in?

Go ahead.


I remember Abigail Dara…I mean no she wasn't the best role player but she could have made a new account w/ a different user…idk if we should be name dropping her and talking about her lol

Deleted user

I remember Abigail Dara…I mean no she wasn't the best role player but she could have made a new account w/ a different user…idk if we should be name dropping her and talking about her lol

It doesn't really matter, I think she wouldn't have.

Deleted user

I know… so. horrible. To bad Jo Jo didn't get to whack her with a frypan when she pulled out the nuke.

@Starfast group

I have very little experience with RPs, but I did do one this one time where I had to basically tell people what to do because no one was doing anything. The result was something like this:

"Someone's character standing around, looking kinda lost and not really doing anything."

"Starfast's character is walking down the street. He notices a woman standing by herself and she appears to be lost. Starfast's character feels a little badly for walking past the woman, but he has a lot of things to take care of. Luckily they're in the middle of a busy city. If the woman was really needing help, she could always just ask."

The idea then would be that Someone's character could either approach my character or create a NPC for them to talk to. But no, they just kept doing stuff that didn't move the plot forward. As I'm sure you can imagine, the RP died out pretty quickly.

Deleted user

That was. She was so freakin' OP.
Love the gif BBC_Fangirl!

Yes, yes, it's very accurate to how someone would feel in that situation.

@Moxie group

I don't really get why people say no lgbtq+ characters. idk maybe its a legitimate thing, but I don't really get it.


hehe i agree but i still get it. three years ago me probably would have been "uncomfortable" with it too. people are raised differently and u gotta respect it

Deleted user

coughs that is bullshit coughs
If you thought abigail was bad, i'm sorry, but check out jessica moon. look her up in rp's

Deleted user

this is going to bite me in the arse later, but she's honestly kind of annoying