forum Rant-about-your stories-and-ask-the-authors-questions group chat?
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@Becfromthedead group

I feel like I really need to bring more of that kind of element into my story. They’re all usually wearing normal clothes or armor.
Fiera has probably worn some pretty bizarre stuff though, being a princess and all.

@Mojack group

Pia dressed like an eggplant once (which is also how she met her organization and they got into the life of crime.. huh.)

I rarely have my characters wear ridiculous clothing, though, besides maybe two main instances I can recall (Pia and another one.)

@Starfast group

Hey,what are the weirdest outfits your characters have ever worn?

I don't really give my characters really crazy outfits very often either. Andor is my character whose wardrobe is the most…. out there, but it's still pretty tame compared to some of what's being posted here. But, if you want some noteable examples, here's some:

  • When he's first introduced into the story he's his work clothes (a white polo shirt, and black pants), with a red hoodie that he wears literally all the time, and a fox toque (complete with ears and a face) and converse that he's drawn all over with a sharpie.
  • He has a shirt that says "Fly, bi, ready to die" and someone drew him wearing it once
  • He has a ton of t-shirts from Norwegian tourists shops because his parents keep sending them as Christmas/ birthday gifts.

Yeah, not really that weird but that's also about as weird as it gets with my characters (so far, at least).

Deleted user

Me, pulling out about a thousand of my characters weirest outfits: Which one?

Anyhow, my chaotic bastard child Adyn has color shifting scarf that floats around him and sometimes screams.


i am writing a story where in order to get powers you have to go through a death of someone else or a VERY close encounter with death for yourself. and i tried to make them kind of realistic heros bcs not all heros are adult, brave, and they have no flaws.the plot line is you meet these characters and then they have to go fight incoming invaders called trixes.(My friend (the other author of this book) made them up and i think they are like orcs or something like that.) So my homegirl Ara is a 14 year old girl who lives with an angel of a mother and a devil of a father, like in the chapter about Ara he tries to kill j\her by bashing her brains out in an iron cooking pan. She and her mother and sister flee to the beach houses known as Sandwaves. there she meet a girl named Malia. The two become inseparable until suddenly on a nice boating trip gone wrong, Malia jumps in the way of the boom (So it wont hit Ara) and it knocks her into the stormy sea. so after watching her first best friend drown (And fail at saving her) Ara goes home only to pass out in her mothers lap and sleep for about a week. so when she wakes up she has to suffer through a horrible funeral and then she goes home and cries. so her mother and sister are out of the house and she is doing laundry when she hears a voice calling to her as a queen. she follows it outside.(Which is a big step for her up until now she did not was to look/feel/drink water) finds out that she can control the water. at first she thinks she is dreaming until her mom comes home and can see it too. she this freaks her out and then her mom and sister are TERRIFIED of her so then she flees to abandoned hut nearby and accidentally causes a hurricane. so she runs to a nearby city. you can read about her here ARA
Skylan is a nervous 15 year old teen who has MAJOR anxiety for no reason. he lives on the other end of Sandwaves and lives with Empathic father, worrisome mother, and best friend brother. so he grows up really close to his brother. And one day they hear that a sudden storm has shown up out of nowhere and they have to create a force-fields bubble around their mud/clay house. so they are all staring and making the bubble and suddenly Skylan lets his anxiety get the best of him and they lose the bubble and she hurricane comes crashing through the house and kills his brother. his parents go missing and he is alone. so he travels to a close by city and when he meets Ara he almost immediately has a crush on her. and he is a huge nerd ( but i gave him no glasses and braces bcs not all nerds look that way.) and you can read about him here

@Echo_6 group

Okay! I have like one of the greatest characters that I have ever made. He has the most tragic back story, and everyone who knows him hates him. But he is super nice and caring, and he likes to help people. He lives away from people but likes to travel around. Because of the planet he lives on he can travel between many different planets. He likes to travel to different places and learn all about other races cultures. WHO ELSE THINKS THAT HE IS AMAZING JUST BASED OFF THAT???

Deleted user

I have a character who, upon first impression, you dislike them, but that's because they aren't the best with social cues due to an autism (self project much?) and has a few tics that come about because Tourette's. If you actually take the time to get to know Lee, you slowly understand how they tick and actually really like having them around, they are a bit weird and abrasive at times but the kindest person you'll ever meet and very empathetic, just not the best at showing it. This gives reason for Lee to be more of a lone wolf, even if they are very kind and caring. Try writing something along these lines?

Deleted user

It's more realistic and gives the character a whole lot more depth, not to brag. Just steal from life experiences, and study people! It's what I do and my writing turned out great, at least to me I guess, lol.

@Echo_6 group

It sounds unrealistic. Why would the people who know him hate him?

It has to do with his back story and who his parents were. That's why people all hate him.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Some of my story ideas!

  • The disappearances of several men and women come to the attention of Sam and Dean. After the victims disappear a statue of them is found where they disappeared from a few days later. (SPN: Cold as Stone)

  • A story revolving around a family of hitmen/contract killers

  • A husband and father investigates the sudden, tragic deaths of his sister and daughter, all while trying to cope with grief and family life.

  • A man becomes a widower under unexpected mysterious circumstances. Some time later he meets and falls for a woman, whom his children love. Both have mysterious pasts, and one of them plots the death of the other. (Black Widow)

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

It sounds unrealistic. Why would the people who know him hate him?

It has to do with his back story and who his parents were. That's why people all hate him.

So they're biased/prejudice towards the dude and his family….

@Echo_6 group

Um… well yes, but, and hear me out on this, his father was a monster and his mother was what was considered a witch. Well she was until they executed her in front of him at the age of twelve. That and he technically has a demon living within him. That and he was not really suppose to happen. His mother loved him to no end but, she was… raped. Yeah he has a really dark back story.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Alright, I'm trying to name the book idea I had from the RP and I don't have much so far.
The best I got right now is "Dungeons but more Dragons." Not the best thing ever but it's a start.


Alright, I'm trying to name the book idea I had from the RP and I don't have much so far.
The best I got right now is "Dungeons but more Dragons." Not the best thing ever but it's a start.

I actually did look at this exact page, I just really don’t have enough to my story. Thanks anyways!

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Here's a tragic backstory for one of my characters!

Levi grew up with his brother, Oliver, and their abusive, alcoholic mother. Their father left while Levi was a baby, and Oliver, a toddler. He would use reading and drawing to escape the world that he lived in. One day, while Levi was being abused by their mother, Oliver decided to defend his little brother; accidentally killing their mom in the process. This happened when Oliver was 18, and Levi was 14. Oliver decided to continue to take care of Levi like he had been doing.
While in high school, he fell in love with the TV series, Supernatural. During his time in between high school and college, he had wrote and published several best selling books; earning a large profit from the sales. Funded partly by Oliver, Levi went to college where he decided to study art and literature. Upon graduating from college, Levi found out that Oliver sadly passed away in a motorcycle accident, which fueled his hatred for motorcycles. He does, however, enjoy looking at them.
While battling his depression, Levi found out that there was an opening for a Art and Literature teaching position at Winchester High. He then found out that there was a psychotic murderer killing his students, and discovered that he can see through the eyes of the killer at the exact time that a crime is taking place. He discovered this when he first read an article about the murders In the newspaper.

@Mojack group

I’ve got a new work coming up called Blasphemy. No idea about the plot, I’ve done sketches here and there but nothing official.

It’s going to be a bit of a darker story but not grimdark, if that says anything.

@Starfast group

So today I was going to start working on some character introductions for my story to post on my writing tumblr. Instead I made a comic sans power point about my story that literally nobody asked for. You can look at it here if you want.

(also, I gotta give a shoutout to @amber_demeter for helping me with the title. This story has had like 18 different titles and all of them sucked so it's good to have one that finally doesn't)