forum Question for all you neurospicy besties (also chat ^^)
Started by @Eli-the-transboi group

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@Eli-the-transboi group

ok i gotta question.
what do you do when you're overstimulated and under stimulated? ill go first-

overstimulated: i kinda just shut down, go nonverbal. i just sit down, watch some youtube in a quiet, darkish room with my security blanket. i will be stimming but its usually with one or two things.

understimulated: i like to drink a soda cause of the flavor and carbonation. ill eat something, maybe do multiple things at once. i also use WAY more stim toys or just move around a lot.

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

when im overstimulated, sometimes my brain just goes so fast i can barely move

When I'm understimulated, i get really fidgety, restless and weirdly eccentric.
(these can also switch from time to time)

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

When I get overstinmulated, which is very rare for me, I will go quieter and try to focus on something. Sometimes I'll start crying but whateves

When I'm understimulated ill try to get my brain to do something. I'll do stims or rock back and forth in my chair or bounce my leg.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

When I get over stimulated I kinda just detach myself from whatever is going on around me and I put my headphones on so it's quiet, and I draw or read.

When I'm under stimulated I usually fidget or do something to keep me occupied like listening to music, drawing, reading, writing, day dreaming. Lots of different things like eating something cold or using stem toys

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Emotionally Overstimulated: Quiet music, Read, skin-to-skin contact with my SO, or SLEEP.

Otherwise Overstimulated: Turns into hyperness. Lots of fast talking and quick movements, running around, feeling the urge to break things or work out the overstimmed sensations somehow. Tend to work that out by having my SO actually slap me across the face a couple of times. I know that sounds bad but it works and I trust her.

Understimulated: music with volume cranked to 1 million, cuddles, sugar. Honestly I go to music so much, its just kinda become the thing.

I fidget all the time, and vocal stim constantly, so I don't know that those are really one or the other XP

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

I’m undiagnosed, but pretty sure I have ADHD- and I haven’t really worked out the differences between overstimulated and understimulated/overwhelmed and bored to an astronomical degree- or identifying them at all.

When I’m overstimulated (whether by emotion or the amount of activity around me) I’ll try to go to a quiet area where I can cool down. Might also play music to distract my brain and get rid of any loud noises that might be causing the overstimulation. Probably will start crying depending on how bad it is or what it is. I’ll start fidgeting with anything I can get my hands on and it’s really difficult for me to talk because I’m overwhelmed with emotions.

When I’m understimulated you’ll probably see me doing 5 million things at once while also getting up from my seat a million times and speed-walking/running around the house. If I’m not home then I’m just really restless to the degree that people ask me if I wanna go somewhere else (which- not necessarily but I am glad they ask). If possible I’ll talk to some of my online friends. Oh- and music again. Music helps everything, hah. This is usually the mode where I daydream a lot of things too because I need to find anything to occupy my mind.

@the-void-phantasmic group

ADHD kid over hereee-

Overstimulated: 44763784 fidgets at once, distracting my brain with music, I get a loooot of intrusive thoughts which makes me extremely anxious, yay- doing everything in my power to not cry since I don’t want to answer questions about what’s wrong, my chest pains flare up due to that, it’s a roller coaster lmao

Understimulated: IM IN SPAAAAACE I get really really spaced out, usually I fall silent on any chats because I can’t think of anything, I try to talk to my friends and brainstorm, maybe get myself riled up about something by watching YouTube videos about art discourse or art fixers or the vegan teacher, I try to work on an unfinished drawing sometimes too

@AzkerSmells group

Idk if I have adhd but

Overstimulated:I usually run around a lot around my house while listening to music, I try to stop doing that but i just can’t

Understimulated:I have no damn idea

Deleted user

late to the party but
overstimulated: completly shut down and go to a deep place inside my brain. nonverbal, all that. i cant even function, and there is no getting me out until im ready
understimulated: frantic movement through every part of my body, stim toys are a must. just yes. i will be stimming so bad its just… ya

Deleted user

When i get overstimulated, i sit down and put on headphones with nothing playing while I wait for my brain to chill. When it does, it usually doesn't work for about 5-10 minutes after

When I get understimulated, I get really goofy, fidgety, and occasionally annoying. I always crave social interaction when I'm understimulated, but I try not to be annoying. I also stim a lot and tend to just do the hand flappy thing.

@Eli-the-transboi group

When i get overstimulated, i sit down and put on headphones with nothing playing while I wait for my brain to chill. When it does, it usually doesn't work for about 5-10 minutes after

When I get understimulated, I get really goofy, fidgety, and occasionally annoying. I always crave social interaction when I'm understimulated, but I try not to be annoying. I also stim a lot and tend to just do the hand flappy thing.

Omg yes

Deleted user

When i get overstimulated, i sit down and put on headphones with nothing playing while I wait for my brain to chill. When it does, it usually doesn't work for about 5-10 minutes after

When I get understimulated, I get really goofy, fidgety, and occasionally annoying. I always crave social interaction when I'm understimulated, but I try not to be annoying. I also stim a lot and tend to just do the hand flappy thing.

Omg yes

the hand flappy thing is constant, and i always do it, but i do it a lot more when I'm understimmed. I also do a lot of touching my carpet, or bouncing my leg, or flexing my fingers.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Emotionally Overstimulated: I will probably go to my room, or safe place and curl up with one of my books (usually one I’ve read a million times) play some music and read.

Physically Overstimulated: I will usually feel overheated, so I’ll take off as many layers of clothes as I can (within reason!) and curl in bed with my fan blowing over me. Music as well.

Emotionally Under stimulated: Will watch/read on emotionly tense things.

Physically Under stimulated: Will usually find blankets, heaters and other things that will have contact to my skin. Will usually want snuggles, hugs and will piss my cats off by ding too clingy.

Deleted user

Emotionally Overstimulated: I will probably go to my room, or safe place and curl up with one of my books (usually one I’ve read a million times) play some music and read.

Physically Overstimulated: I will usually feel overheated, so I’ll take off as many layers of clothes as I can (within reason!) and curl in bed with my fan blowing over me. Music as well.

Emotionally Under stimulated: Will watch/read on emotionly tense things.

Physically Under stimulated: Will usually find blankets, heaters and other things that will have contact to my skin. Will usually want snuggles, hugs and will piss my cats off by ding too clingy.

My dog will sit in my bed and I'll grab her and hug her, and she'll sit there for a while and then run, and then I'll be sad. She want's to play, I want to snuggle

Deleted user

When i get overstimulated, i sit down and put on headphones with nothing playing while I wait for my brain to chill. When it does, it usually doesn't work for about 5-10 minutes after

When I get understimulated, I get really goofy, fidgety, and occasionally annoying. I always crave social interaction when I'm understimulated, but I try not to be annoying. I also stim a lot and tend to just do the hand flappy thing.

Omg yes

the hand flappy thing is constant, and i always do it, but i do it a lot more when I'm understimmed. I also do a lot of touching my carpet, or bouncing my leg, or flexing my fingers.


Deleted user

When i get overstimulated, i sit down and put on headphones with nothing playing while I wait for my brain to chill. When it does, it usually doesn't work for about 5-10 minutes after

When I get understimulated, I get really goofy, fidgety, and occasionally annoying. I always crave social interaction when I'm understimulated, but I try not to be annoying. I also stim a lot and tend to just do the hand flappy thing.

Omg yes

the hand flappy thing is constant, and i always do it, but i do it a lot more when I'm understimmed. I also do a lot of touching my carpet, or bouncing my leg, or flexing my fingers.



Deleted user

When i get overstimulated, i sit down and put on headphones with nothing playing while I wait for my brain to chill. When it does, it usually doesn't work for about 5-10 minutes after

When I get understimulated, I get really goofy, fidgety, and occasionally annoying. I always crave social interaction when I'm understimulated, but I try not to be annoying. I also stim a lot and tend to just do the hand flappy thing.

Omg yes

the hand flappy thing is constant, and i always do it, but i do it a lot more when I'm understimmed. I also do a lot of touching my carpet, or bouncing my leg, or flexing my fingers.