forum put inside jokes here with no context
Started by @1want2believe

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(coughs Hamilton much?)

(I’m not a huge Hamilfan and I’ve only listened to it once but I do like it. Would you like context?)



(coughs Hamilton much?)

(I’m not a huge Hamilfan and I’ve only listened to it once but I do like it. Would you like context?)


(It was at a STEM camp and we did this activity where we had to be in teams of three. I was with two of my friends and we called our team the Schuyler Sisters. But when they went to write the name on the board they wrote the Syker Sisters)



in seventh grade my friends and i gave ourselves vegan names

whats that??

nature names
mine was Solstice



in seventh grade my friends and i gave ourselves vegan names

I tried to go vegan once.

I was 8
I failed because my parents said fish was okay
