forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

I'm on my period too, Magnus and Derpachu.


EXACTLY FUCK CHILDREN, MINE WOULD BREAK MY HEART IF I LOVED THEM PROBABLY FROM GETTING MY HEART PROBLEM, BEING ANEMIC AND HAVE SCOLIOSIS(all of them run through the family, only the anemic thing is for the girls in the family.)

Deleted user

Is it true that Australians can loose they’re accents after moving and being away for a while?

Deleted user

Back to the period topic: I just sneezed.

All girls know what that means.

Deleted user

Back to the period topic: I just sneezed.

All girls know what that means.

F, but to be honest I always sneeze, I have allergies and it really doesn’t help the fact that I have a heart problem and when you sneeze your heart stops for a bit.

Deleted user

I'm making a 3D art piece for my portfolio. It's a steampunk mask and there weren't any patterns, so I had to make my own from scratch and the foam I bought to make it is t o o t h i n and I'm pissed.

Deleted user

Wait …
You're older than Eris
thats real old

Lol same.

Hush young people! 😜

Wait– you've changed your age on here like three times, my guy, and now you're suddenly older than me?
Not that I have a problem with it, but like–I remember odd tidbits because my brain hyper focuses on weird shit.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Wait …
You're older than Eris
thats real old

Lol same.

Hush young people! 😜

Wait– you've changed your age on here like three times, my guy, and now you're suddenly older than me?
Not that I have a problem with it, but like–I remember odd tidbits because my brain hyper focuses on weird shit.

I said that I was in my 20s, but I didn't exactly say my age. 😊


when the people in one of your “priority chats” are talking about a subject that causes you a lot of irrational panic and you want to ask them to stop but it’s not your chat to moderate so you ignore the notifications, checking every 30 or so minutes to see if they’ve changed conversations yet but they just keep talking, getting worse and worse each time so you just have to suck it up and try not to cry even though you’re visibly shaking and terrified and why am I like this, I’m so sick of being the worthless little weakling I am and I just want it to all go away-