forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers


lol I debated telling my mom but after a while there was so much blood I thought I was dying so I freaked out and started freaking out lol


I literally just called my mom into the bathroom. I was standing there, butt-naked after my shower, blood streaming down my legs, and trying to contain the rest of it with a washcloth.
She handled the situation as normally as possible and showed me the difference between pads and tampons and how to use each of them and explained what a period actually is. After everything was sorted out and cleaned up, she told me that this will happen until I hit like 50, 60, or whenever I reach menopause, and then dropped me off at my friend's house for her birthday party.
Let's just say the topic for discussion that night with my friend was a rather bloody topic and how to deal with it.
Yup that's right, my best friend and I compared periods to murder.


lol once my friend wouldn't stop having bloody noses (and would complain about them constantly) and I was really moody that day and was all like "Why don't you just tick two tampons up there and shut up"
he shut up


How??? When I first got my period I tried to go swimming with a pad and long story short there's a pad and a bit of blood floating around in the ocean


i probably shouldn't have laughed at that as much as I did

Deleted user

I was at home and I was having a really bad bellyache (little did I know it was my cramps) so I went to take a bath and right then as I started the water some blood was just like heya pal how ya doing? So i took my bath and went down to my mum, who gave me one of her pads. It was so uncomfortable it literally induced me to tears so she went out and got me the correctly sized pads and ya


bahaha i just read through this entire thread lemme just say relATABLE also once my friend had like a sports bra she was going to change into for cross coutnry after school so she was like holding it while opening her locker and a couple dudes flipped out so like three of my other friends went up to them and started screaming in their faces like OMG DID YOU KNOW ALL GIRLS WEAR BRAS OMG DID YOU GUESS WHAT SHE WEARS A BRA WE'RE ALL WEARING BRAS RIGHT NOW
its so pleasing to see immature teenage guys uncomfortable at hearing the word bra so many times


I'd honestly prefer guys being immature about it over guys making inappropriate comments about it
Guys doing neither would be perfect, because bras are just bras. Pieces of clothing. Only sexual in the right situations. And if my gay ass can handle seeing a sports bra without feeling the urge to make a comment or freak out, then so can guys. Keep your dick in your pants, fellas

Deleted user

If i can be a in a swim locker room w girls walking around literally topless and control myself, surely dudes can do the same, with say, dresses or skirts?

Deleted user

I SAY i “control myself” with complete sarcasm because i for one, do not feel the need to have intimate relations with basically strangers


I usually don't get turned on unless I'm in a situation where that's appropriate and understandale
and if it happens in a situation that's not appropriate, I don't fucking say anything because it's not the end of the world. It happens, I can deal with it, and it's completely unnecessary to make any comments

Deleted user

Exactly. And whatever sicko gets turned on by shoulders and banned me from wearing a tank top at school has something to learn


lol I remember the girls at our school once protested the dress code because they were getting in trouble for their bra straps showing, and they were pissed because girls shouldn't be getting in trouble for a simple piece of clothing that men/teenage boys are sexualizing. They put up papers about it all over the school on the walls and teachers doors. The principal tried to get people in trouble for vandalism and take all of the papers down, but there were some teachers who refused to let theirs get taken down.

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

lol I remember the girls at our school once protested the dress code because they were getting in trouble for their bra straps showing, and they were pissed because girls shouldn't be getting in trouble for a simple piece of clothing that men/teenage boys are sexualizing. They put up papers about it all over the school on the walls and teachers doors. The principal tried to get people in trouble for vandalism and take all of the papers down, but there were some teachers who refused to let theirs get taken down.

This brings me great pride to be a female in this society, especially after males telling us that it's out fault for them getting distracted by freaking shoulders
(I'm not entirely sure who's okay with cursing so I'll just really try not to…XD)