forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers


like bruh not only am I not into guys but why would I want to have a child with my screwed up genetics? I ain't gonna give a kid a near 100% chance of heart failure by age 25-30 along with other issues, so why not get rid of my monthly pain and fleshbags?


i'm never going to have children anyway. too much pain and money, not to mention you're practically imprisoned by the demon spawn's needs

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

like bruh not only am I not into guys but why would I want to have a child with my screwed up genetics? I ain't gonna give a kid a near 100% chance of heart failure by age 25-30 along with other issues, so why not get rid of my monthly pain and fleshbags?

Right tho? I'm not gonna screw up a kid's life because I don't want them to have migraines, seizures, severe heart conditions, bad eyes, or a mental illness. No thanks, I'd rather not scar a child that badly. Where can I unsubscribe to my monthly subscription to lucifer's waterfall and pain?

@Darkblossom group

I feel like a stalker or something because i read this discussion with eagerness, but can’t find anything to comment, because i literally don’t relate with anything(except being a girl who goes through a period). Hence, this awkward response.


I'm back everyone. After an exciting and nerve racking day I have a couple stories.

  1. I thought I had gotten my period two days early and was bleeding through my dark black pants.
    Turns out the wet spot was just obscene amounts of sweat :| which I suppose is good cause no period (YAY!)

  2. On a slightly unrelated note but also kind of related, today at rehearsal one of the male actors asked the lead (Who I am an understudy to) whether it would hurt if he punched her in the chest. We both looked at him with a look that basically said 'Um yes, would you like to die now?' and then he was like, 'I mean it would hurt but would it like really painful.' and she and I were like "YES IT WOULD BE VERY PAINFUL DO YOU WANT ME TO KICK YOU IN THE NUTS??? WOULD THAT HURT???" We were literally screaming at him in the middle of the hallway. But it was worth it. THEN SOME OTHER IDIOT GUY SAID, "I bet it would hurt more to get kicked in the nuts then punched in the chest." AND WE JUST MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

I'm done now sorry for getting slightly off topic

@HighPockets group

i'm never going to have children anyway. too much pain and money, not to mention you're practically imprisoned by the demon spawn's needs

'Matt the Radar Tech voice
Exactly. EXACTLY!

Deleted user

Damn i dont like ny organic milk bags. I wish they were detachable


I mean I just found out about a ton of conditions I have that would completely fuck over any child I have. who wants heart failure, melanoma, physically missing teeth, liver failure, addiction, depression, anxiety, bad eyes, etc?

@HighPockets group

like bruh not only am I not into guys but why would I want to have a child with my screwed up genetics? I ain't gonna give a kid a near 100% chance of heart failure by age 25-30 along with other issues, so why not get rid of my monthly pain and fleshbags?

Right tho? I'm not gonna screw up a kid's life because I don't want them to have migraines, seizures, severe heart conditions, bad eyes, or a mental illness. No thanks, I'd rather not scar a child that badly. Where can I unsubscribe to my monthly subscription to lucifer's waterfall and pain?

Heck, if anything I'd adopt a kid. I do not want to go through childbirth. It sounds awful.

Deleted user

yeah. I’m gay and I want to adopt so all this trouble is for naught.

@Darkblossom group

i'm never going to have children anyway. too much pain and money, not to mention you're practically imprisoned by the demon spawn's needs

demon spawn XD XD

XD too!
Personally, kids seem like cats. They are annoying, stupid, and can ruin your life, but you love them too darn much. Now i feel old for commenting this.


I agree completely. First of all the process just sounds horrible and second of all, despite wanting to find out what my significant other's and my child would look like I don't want to go through that just to go through the rest of my life worry about them all the time.

Deleted user

Yeah like, i have a dream career, and I do want a kid (maybe? Im on the fence) but do you know how hard it is to be a working person with a child???


Damn i dont like ny organic milk bags. I wish they were detachable

actually tho

when your sports bra doesn't have a lot of support and all you can think about while you're trying to not fail the PACER test is how your milk bags are flopping around somewhat painfully


Damn i dont like ny organic milk bags. I wish they were detachable

actually tho

when your sports bra doesn't have a lot of support and all you can think about while you're trying to not fail the PACER test is how your milk bags are flopping around somewhat painfully



On a slightly unrelated note but also kind of related, today at rehearsal one of the male actors asked the lead (Who I am an understudy to) whether it would hurt if he punched her in the chest. We both looked at him with a look that basically said 'Um yes, would you like to die now?' and then he was like, 'I mean it would hurt but would it like really painful.' and she and I were like "YES IT WOULD BE VERY PAINFUL DO YOU WANT ME TO KICK YOU IN THE NUTS??? WOULD THAT HURT???" We were literally screaming at him in the middle of the hallway. But it was worth it. THEN SOME OTHER IDIOT GUY SAID, "I bet it would hurt more to get kicked in the nuts then punched in the chest." AND WE JUST MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

@HighPockets group

Damn i dont like ny organic milk bags. I wish they were detachable

actually tho

when your sports bra doesn't have a lot of support and all you can think about while you're trying to not fail the PACER test is how your milk bags are flopping around somewhat painfully

I took the PACER test for the 1st time this year and I spent the 15 minutes leading up to it genuinely contemplating if I should 'accidentally' mess up my foot so I didn't have to run. Running makes it hard for me to breathe.

Deleted user

Damn i dont like ny organic milk bags. I wish they were detachable

actually tho

when your sports bra doesn't have a lot of support and all you can think about while you're trying to not fail the PACER test is how your milk bags are flopping around somewhat painfully


When you are trying to swim and your damn milk bags keep floppping around