forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers

Deleted user

Mine is due this weekend, the same weekend where I turn 15….


Nah, the gym teacher would understand, but I like swimming and don’t want to have to ruin the experience with shudders tampons

why does everyone think tampons are terrible I don't get it

Deleted user

Wait Tampons can kill you????

Ya if you keep it in too long you can get Toxic Shock Syndrome


"Given how frequently people mention TSS in relation to tampons, you might think that TSS is easy to get, or that a lot of tampon users get it. That's false — TSS is extremely rare. Dr. Montgomery told Cosmo that only 1 or 2 out of every 100,000 women are diagnosed with TSS — that's a chance of about .002 percent."
-a website I found


I'm not. TSS isn't even directly related to tampons. Only half of the cases of TSS are actually caused by tampon use, and males can get it too.
I personally like them because they're really easy to use and they're not messy


I dont get my period anymore.
Because I am on a constant hormone with a birth control
But the reason I need birth control is because of my periods
Where the pain was bad enough that I couldn't stand up straight
And on average they lasted a good 9-10 days
And I bled excessively, think two maxipads in as many hours
Enough so that I was anemic
Missed 1-3 days of school every month
So yeah, birth control
It helped, well, the first one did for a bit, but then it made everything worse, Im on a different one, so fingers crossed.

Fun Fact: Period pain can be rated above heart attacks! Life is fun!

So yeah, guys, we are not doing it for your attenation, we could not care less when we are bleeding

sorry bout all that, but i needed to rant


ugh, I feel ya. I usually have at least one day during my period where my cramps are so bad I'm crying and have to miss school that day. I also get migraines and extreme dizziness


Same same
I got lucky bc the first birth control I tried worked really well and my cramps are mild now
it used to be so bad… I once was in the middle of someone else's medical emergency and everything was fine until a cramp hit and I blacked out
And my cycle was irregular so I never knew when it would hit
But it's all good now


Birth control is honestly such a saving grace~
I've been on birth control for a while now and I can definitely say it has really helped with the pain and bleeding.
And I don't just use it for period stuff too. It helps manage my acne, hormones, and specifically my anxiety on a hormonal level.

Deleted user

You wanna know, punk?

I only know my WORST cramp story. My first cramps were uneventful