forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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The building was on fire, and it definitely wasn’t Maria’s fault. Well, maybe it was her fault, but no one knew that, you know things set on fire all the time by chance, so who is going to put two and two together? No one does math anymore anyway….
“MARIA!” Nina screamed at her sister, who had just walked through the door, singing an opening to a anime. “Where were you? Why is there a fire outside of the settlement?” The taller girl questioned.
“I don't know what you’re talking about…”
Nina put her hand to her head. “Maria… no, no…” She muttered. “You idiot we’re going to get in trouble.”
“You mean baka.” Maria corrected.
Nina put her hand down. “Whatever! We’re still going to get in trouble! What if it spreads into the settlement?”
“The wind will probably blow it out.” Maria wandered away.
“That’s not how fires work!” Nina exclaimed.
“Well potato potato.” She shrugged.

@HighPockets group

One of my OC's (mildly embarrassing) introduction:
Jackson inched forward, trying to conceal himself in the shadows. He gripped his phone tightly, trying to record as much of the conversation as possible.
“And I know he thinks that, I just know he’s wrong,” one of the guys said, and the other gave a low laugh as they started to walk away. Jackson allowed himself one full step forward, and heard a crunching noise. Damn. The men stopped talking and turned to face him, and one drew a gun. Jackson wasted no time turning and running for his car. He heard a shot, and then felt something tear into him. The pain was intense, but he kept running, every step hurting more than the last until he reached his car. He pressed the unlock button and slipped in, and only when he sat down all of the pieces slowly came together. He’d been shot. By the men he was sent to spy on. In the backside.
“Oh, God,” he muttered, “This could only happen to me.” He shifted himself as best he could to minimize the growing pain, then turned on his car. The engine sputtered to life, and Jackson slammed his foot down on the gas pedal. Should I go to talk to Roge or check myself into the ER? Jackson thought. Roge’s was closer, he decided, and so he drove there, passing the speed limit by more than he usually did. When he arrived, he pulled off his battered brown leather jacket and tied it around his waist. What Roge didn’t know couldn’t hurt him, and he was sure the meeting would be fairly quick. His confidence faltered a bit when the few steps he took to the door felt excruciating. Better get this done quick.
“This is so much worse than TV’d make you think,” he moaned before ringing the doorbell. One of Roge’s bodyguards answered, but recognized him enough to grant him entry.
“Charlie!” Jackson yelled, and Roge walked out of his study. He was maybe ten years older than Jackson himself, maybe late thirties, with brown hair and grey eyes.
“Gavel!” Roge said, shaking his hand as though surprised to see him in one piece, “Find anything?” Jackson played the video for him, and Charlie’s eyes widened.
“Good Lord!” He gasped, “Do you think he means it?”
“Probably,” Jackson offered. What he wouldn’t do for a painkiller right now.
“Were they armed?” Roge asked.
“They were. Even though you said they weren’t.”
“My information must have been wrong then. Well, no harm done,” Roge said cheerfully, and Jackson frowned.
“Right. No harm done, except that they shot me!”
“Well, why didn’t you tell me that in the first place? Is it serious? Do you nee-” Roge was worried, he could tell.
“I’ll be fine. I’ll go to the ER on my way home, get it checked out.” Jackson shrugged. He wasn’t going to take more from Roge than he needed. Charlie was his employer, not his friend.
“Watch yourself!” Roge suggested, and Jackson walked painfully back to his car. He sped the few miles to the nearest ER. It was worse. Oh God, it was so much worse. He figured he wasn’t even driving legally, was practically standing up. The ER seemed farther away than ever before, even farther than it had when he’d broken his wrist and driven there. He turned off his car, locked it, and limped in. Thankfully there wasn’t a long line of people, and he went to the front desk.
“What’s your name?” The receptionist asked, looking up at him from beneath her teal-framed glasses.
“Gavel. Jackson Gavel,” he said, and glanced around. Not too many people in the wait room either, although he also figured it was nearly midnight.
“And you’re here because…” she prompted him.
“I was shot,” he said.
“Where?” Normally he’d have been embarrassed to admit something like this, but the pain was so bad he no longer cared.
“My backside,” he said. The receptionist raised her eyebrows, and then punched something in on her computer.
“The doctor will see you shortly,” she said. It was the same doctor he always had, each and every time he came in.
“Mr. Gavel,” Doctor Johnston sighed when he saw him, “Will you ever stop getting into these situations?” He said that every time, too. After he’d broken his wrist, and when he’d broken his foot, and when he’d been slashed across the stomach by some lunatic with a knife. This was probably the most serious, out of broken bones and a graze wound. He laid down on the cool grey examination table, propping himself up on his elbows.
“Official business?” Johnston asked, and Jackson nodded.
“Yeah.” Johnston frowned, as though making sure no one else could overhear.
“I can patch you up here,” he suggested, “Now, normally I would never even consider this, but if Roge said…”
“Roge said so,” Jackson lied, throwing in a smile for good measure, though it ended up a grimace. He couldn’t spend so long in the hospital, not again. Johnston took care of the wound, then stitched it up and bandaged it as well as he could. He helped Jackson to his feet shakily.
“You’re to stay at home,” Johnston began.
“Yes,” Jackson nodded, fully intending not to stay at his apartment.
“Get some bedrest. Don’t overexert yourself.”
“Does that include Julius Caesar tomorrow?” Jackson asked.
“Most definitely.”
“But I-” he began to protest, but Johnston waved him off.
“The opening show is tomorrow! Where are they supposed to find a new Caesar?”
“Trust me, Gavel. You will not want to be standing up all day tomorrow.”

He was right. Jackson spent the next few days sprawled across his bed on his stomach, moving only when necessary and mulling over the video he’d recorded. It better have been worth it for Roge. He’d be out of commission for God knows how long. He wanted to get out of his tiny apartment and leave, but every time he stood or even sat up to do more than hobble around his home, pain would flare up and he’d lie back down. So when he got an email from Charlie Roge about a fancy dinner party, he replied “Yes” without a second thought.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Summer in the hills
Those hazy days I do remember
We were running still
Had the whole world at our feet
Watching seasons change
Our roads were lined with adventure
Mountains in the way
Couldn't keep us from the sea
Here we stand open arms
This is home where we are
Ever strong in the world that we made
I still hear you in the breeze
See your shadows in the trees
Holding on memories never change

Deleted user

Summer in the hills
Those hazy days I do remember
We were running still
Had the whole world at our feet
Watching seasons change
Our roads were lined with adventure
Mountains in the way
Couldn't keep us from the sea
Here we stand open arms
This is home where we are
Ever strong in the world that we made
I still hear you in the breeze
See your shadows in the trees
Holding on memories never change

i know the song that comes frommm

@PurplePartyTiger language

(I have a lot of notes on my phone…and I like to talk to myself a lot in those notes)

The group:
Applejack, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Star Swirl, Rockhoof, Flash Magnus, Mistmane, Somnambula, Mage Meadowbrook, Flurry Heart, Nebula, Tempest Shadow, Derpy Hooves, Dahliah, and Cadence.
Holy crickets, that's almost twenty ponies.
Yep, some of 'em gotta die.
Girl, chill out, you're being kinda creepy…
Says the person who lives with me. }:)
Hey, that rhymed. :D
Oh, cool!

(shhhhh, I already know I'm crazy. X)


The long building looked like a larger replica of the one he had around his town, same brownstone walls and blue background behind the white logo, it gave him a sick feeling knowing he left his family behind. Reaching the automatic doors, he entered the shop. Beelining to the restroom, he beheld a wonderful and relieving experience.